La Rochelle advances to its first Top 14 final by beating Racing 92 in Lille

La Rochelle advances to its first Top 14 final by beating Racing 92 in Lille

Match: 6-19

Stunning, non-stop, made with increments and combinations of attacking, tactical kicks and overtures, this first semi-final, at Stade Pierre-Morroy in Villeneuve d’Ascq, saw La Rochelle imposing the power of its attacker – especially in melee, its historical strength – winning the right to run into the final. The first in its history after getting the best of Racing 92, which the throttle lost.

The Ile-de-France residents were dominated by the territory and had to risk in their own 22 meters while Rochelle played powerful blows behind their conquests, and direct play at the foot of the 29th was reinforced by former Racingman Bryce Doolin. His suite is Arthur Ritter. He tried to push Stade Rochelle in front (16-6) with a switch to a corner kick hit by Ihiya West, the author at the time of penalty kicks at 100%, excluding his wasted miss (10).

Driven by the energy of desperation, Racing 92 – denied a professional prostitute after injuries to Baubigny (41) and Le Guen (62) – launched the attack in a disorganized fashion, but against an impregnable La Rochelle defense. In Tropical Rains – What is the purpose of the retractable roof for Pierre-Moroy? – These singles payments did not change anything at the end of the semi-finals: Stade Rochelais will write a new page in its history by going to the Stade de France to play its first final. which against? Toulouse or Bordeaux Beagle? The answer is Saturday evening.


The minute Stade Rochelais scored his first ever attempt in the Top 14 semi-finals. His international winger Arthur Retière.

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Four penalty kick goals in as many attempts (12, 21, 27, 53) and a corner kick turned in by Arthur Ritter (29): New Zealand’s opener from Rucelli Stadium, 100% up to 65, was a brilliant architect of his team’s success Friday night in night. Long criticized for his erratic shooting on goal, Ihiya West made a good showing. His tactical kick has often been instrumental in getting Racing 92 back to camp or creating opportunities at the end of the streak.

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