Kirschlintlerin |  Kirschlintlin

Kirschlintlerin | Kirschlintlin

When Pia packs her bag at the end of July, she must definitely take the flute with her. Because they can’t do without music, and the piano is too big to take them to New Zealand. The 18-year-old musician wants to do volunteer work in the island nation on the other side of the world for a year. Of course, the Kirschlintler woman worries that Corona might frustrate her plans.

Kirchlinteln – The excitement of the cathedral gymnast is slowly building up. If all goes well, Kirchlinteln will depart on July 30 and face a major challenge. You can get a little nervous. But above all, Pia is full of anticipation. On the one hand, her dreams are to learn about the picturesque nature of New Zealand. Above all, she looks forward to the experience she will gain during her social venture.

She does not yet know exactly what her job will look like on the site. I was shown 13 projects and was able to put together a priority list. I would like to work with children or youth, ”says the high school graduate, who has already gained some youth work experience in her spare time: She has been a member of Kirchlintler Spielmannszug for many years, directing the Young Orchestra for two years.“ I really enjoyed it. ” She is also a member of a team at Saint Petrie Parish and has already attended confirmation camps several times Pia also participates on the Student Council.

Whatever your project looks like away from home, Pia is sure: “I will definitely gain a lot of new experiences. I want to develop personally this year. I think I will benefit a lot from this, and I will become more open and understand more about the world.”

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The destination country in the South Pacific, more than 18,000 kilometers flying from Germany, has amazed nature lovers since childhood. “This diversity of nature and landscapes is amazing. There is just about everything, from jungle to penguins, I would really like to see that.” But over the past few months, she has forced herself not to dream too much about New Zealand. “I intentionally didn’t do my best to not be very disappointed if it didn’t work out.”

Because the dream could still be exploded. New Zealand has the Corona pandemic under control very well, and this is also due to the fact that the island country closed its borders very early and tightened entry requirements significantly. It is still not entirely clear whether the volunteers will be allowed to return to the country at the end of July. “If he doesn’t work, he will work in another country. I am not primarily interested in New Zealand. Wherever I land, it will be a special year. And I’m really sure I won’t regret it.”

Pia is not afraid of homesickness. “Of course, it would be uncommon at first to leave all of the familiar friends and family behind me. But here’s why you do something like this: To kick the habit.” She wants to stay in touch with her family through video calls throughout the year. “There is a lot possible today with new technology.” Pia’s mother – of course – has a slightly angry stomach. “But you want the kids to walk their way,” she says. “And when would you do that, if not now?”

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Pia sees it this way. This is why she now has to overcome another hurdle before she can start: She has to form a support group with people who also financially support her project. In fact, she planned to raise the money I needed for the year abroad in an innovative way. “I wanted to do a donation party with other members of the Al Masirah band.” She also planned to compose music for church services and in the pedestrian areas for a donation. She also wanted to organize a charity race. Pia doesn’t need to explain to anyone why none of this is possible this spring.

If you would like to fulfill Pia’s dream with a year on the other side of the world, you can find more information in the box above. “I am happy with everyone who supports me. It doesn’t have to be a big donation, because every euro or every story helps.” She is very happy that she has already found an outstanding supporter. “Mayor Wolfgang Rodeoald thinks my project is good and OK.”

Through concerts and music in the pedestrian zone, Pia wanted to raise money for the year she spent abroad.

© Raczkowski

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