Kei te pehea koe?  * Revenge of the Maori language

Kei te pehea koe? * Revenge of the Maori language

If you are typing New Zealand In the search window, Google Maps takes you here: In New Zealand. This is actually the peripheral nation’s name The language, language MaoriThe Polynesian people who inhabited it when Europeans arrived, starting in the seventeenth century. Today, only about 15 percent of New Zealand’s population claim to belong to the Maori ethnic group, but in recent years, He explains guardianTraditional culture is undergoing a major revival. Various expressions in the Maori language are becoming common and more and more New Zealanders are deciding to study them: Prime Minister Jacinda wanted wanted to have at least one million spoken by 2040.

A few days ago, Vodafone New Zealand decided to change the scroll above the subscribers ‘phones to’VF New Zealand ”. The decision did not leave indifferent those New Zealanders of European descent, whom some would call “sensitivity to the dictatorship of political correctness” and others, simply, “racists”. Danny Black has posted a lot of news on Twitter shouting, “My country is called New ZealandHe ordered Vodafone to revert to the old name or else he would have changed the provider. The company responded, “Take a seat.” But above all, the Twitter accounts of other service providers responded: “Don’t come here, because we also have every intention to continue using The languageSpernacchiato Even outside the national borders, the good Danny canceled the account.

*”How are you doing?” In the Maori language

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