JIM.fr – Live April 26: European Union is suing Astra

JIM.fr – Live April 26: European Union is suing Astra

This daily watch allows you to quickly find some brief information about the current epidemic. Find all our articles on Covid-19

5:10 PM – Where is the pulse oximeter in the outpatient follow-up of Covid patients?

The General Directorate of Health publishes “Guidelines” for the use of pulse oximeters to monitor Covid + patients in the city.

Place the pulse oximeter in the follow-up of COVID-19 patients in the outpatient clinic

4:10 pm – delivery delay: European Commission takes legal action against AstraZeneca

The European Commission announces that it is in the process of taking legal action against AstraZeneca. ” The terms of the contract were not respected and the company was not in a position to implement a reliable strategy to ensure the on-time delivery. »The European executive explains.

1 p.m. – Are the South African and Brazilian variants receding?

While visiting Roissy Airport, Jean Castex announced that the South African and Brazilian variants are “A little bit“And the”It tends to hold back“In France. Throughout the weekend, epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists reminded him of the latest data from Public Health France. Of course, we are not seeing an outbreak of these variants, but it is not yet time for a decline, rather a slight increase (4.2%, + 0.4%) Point).

1 p.m. – 2 hours left in quarantine for free: Good wrong idea?

At Le Parisien, epidemiologist Antoine Flahaut was questioned about the quarantine applied to travelers returning from 5 countries (India, Brazil, Chile, South Africa and Argentina).

It is estimated that two hours of ” Freedom (From 10 AM until noon) granted to travelers is
Nonsense ». « It is two hours when the virus comes out. You must have the courage to go to the end of logic and create a complete airlock. Australia does this and it cannot be said to be a dictatorship. As long as there is no thorough vaccination, care must be taken. The slightest state can spread like wildfire through episodes of “super-breeding”. “He considers it so.

12:00 PM – Travel between New Zealand and Australia has been suspended again

New Zealand was suspended on Friday, April 23rd.bubble“From the trips that I just opened with Australia after the re-emergence of the epidemic in Australia.”According to our bubble protocols, travel between New Zealand and Western Australia has been suspendedHe thus refers to the New Zealand government in a press release.

11 a.m. – Details of upcoming vaccine deliveries in town

The General Directorate of Health is publishing a Memorandum outlining the organization of the following deliveries, in the city, of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

Details of future deliveries of the vaccine that Janssen ordered on April 12 and 13 and about future deliveries of the AstraZeneca vaccine to pharmacists, clinicians and IDE

9:30 a.m. – Towards a lack of real-time interns in Ile-de-France?

While interns must change the training period on May 3, many heads of resuscitation services in Ile-de-France feel a shortage of trainees who would rather take internships in regions less affected by the pandemic.

9 AM – Update on immunization around the world

With regard to vaccination against Covid, the three countries that administered the most doses are: the United States (225,640,000 doses), China (220,310,000 doses), and India (138,380,000 doses). In terms of population, the countries that administered the largest doses were: Israel (120 doses per 100 population), United Arab Emirates (103.1 doses per 100 population), Chile (73.8 doses per 100 population). In France, 19,636,877 doses were administered (14,096,492 first injections and 5,539,585 second injections), or approximately 29.3 doses per 100 population.

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8am – France situation update

According to the latest data published by Public Health France last night, there are:

– 5,498,044 people who have tested positive for SARS-Cov-2 since March 1, 2020 (208,518 during the past seven days versus 230,846 in the previous seven days including 24,465 yesterday);
– 30,287 people were hospitalized due to Covid-19 (-502 balance during the past seven days versus + 118 in the previous seven days, and 881 people were admitted in the past 24 hours)
– 5,978 people in intensive care (+ 85 credit during the last 7 days versus + 55 during the previous seven days, 218 admissions in 24 hours);
– 102,887 people have died since March 1 (including 2,125 in the past seven days versus 1,984 in the previous seven days).

7 a.m. – worldwide update

According to data from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, 147,211,802 SARS-CoV-2 infections were identified worldwide last year (compared to 141,467,403 on April 19) and 3,110,124 associated deaths. With Covid-19 (versus 3,020,990 April 19.). The three countries with the most cases identified are the United States (31670353), India (17313163 versus 15.061805 on April 19), and Brazil (14340787 versus 13943.071 on April 19). The three countries that are heaviest in absolute terms are the United States (572,200 versus 567,217 deaths on April 19), Brazil (390,797 versus 373,335 on April 19), and Mexico (214,947 versus 212,339 deaths on April 19). April).

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