Jamila Roo wins Jungle Camp

Jamila Roo wins Jungle Camp

Hail to the Queen!  Pretty Roo is the name of the forest's new guardian!  The 55-year-old reality queen won the finale

Hail to the Queen! Pretty Roo is the name of the forest’s new guardian! The 55-year-old reality queen sat down for the finale of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! (RTL) against the son of Gigi Peruvio and Costa Cordalis. (Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah)

The latter became the first! The jungle has its own laws and writes its own stories. Jamila Rowe, who entered RTL’s jungle camp as a last-minute replacement, has the 16th season of I’m a Star — Get Me Out of Here! won – won. The crown prince was Gigi Berofio, and “only” Lucas Cordalis remained third.

The tenure of Philip (Pavlovich) I has come to an end. The king played “Queen Amy Jamila I von Charlottenburg”, and presenter Sonia Zytlow also named the new regent. Reality veteran Djamila Rowe (55) was inaugurated shortly after midnight German time with a majority vote from the public. With tears in her eyes (“I can’t believe it, no, no, it can’t be true!”) She ascended the throne and humbly kissed (“Thank you to those who supported me, recognized my true soul, why don’t you only care about outward appearances and spend money on me for calls and letters textual!”) and handed over their insignia, crown, sceptre, and a glass of sparkling wine. The crown prince was already on their way to the hotel. Lucas Cordalis (55) had to leave the camp as the first and third player, followed ten minutes later by Gigi Peruvio (23) the “vice king of the jungle”.

So the number 13 will probably be Jamila’s lucky number from now on. Because with this starting number (which was released for the first time in 19 years) I went to camp as a replacement for Martin Semmelrog, who could not come on short notice.

But what a fight it was. After a total of 91 stars had won the auditions (and many more), it was all on display again in the final and the great drama proclaimed: struggle, cramp, failure, triumph – anything was possible. But the first surprise came before the final showdown.

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Last trolley seated: Jamila Rowe, Lucas Cordalis, and Gigi Perofio (from right) were the last "  survivors "  After more than two weeks "  I'm a star - get me out of here!  "  (RTL).  But: there can only be one king... (Image: RTL)

LAST BIG SITTING: Jamila Rowe, Lucas Cordalis, and Gigi Perofio (R) were the last “survivors” after more than two weeks of “I’m a Star – Get Me Out of Here!” (RTL). But: there can only be one king… (Image: RTL)

Indulgent excerpt: Cosimo and Julina get along again (a bit)

Cosimo Citiolo, 41, didn’t want to leave the camp with bad feelings. At least not to others. His last words at camp: “Phi… you guys, I’m going to eat great pizza now!” But he wanted to talk to Julina Minin (30). It only works to a limited extent – Julina likes to discuss and Cosimo doesn’t like arguments she can’t understand. In the end, however, Cosimo drew up a conciliatory sentence: “I swear on my mother: all is well.”

They hugged each other warmly and fled towards the real world and their loved ones. Cosimo to cola, spaghetti, lasagna and Natalie, Julina to a mixed milk drink and her husband Florian — and instantly to your first Insta or TikTok video in 17 days. Meanwhile, the three contestants had to take the mandatory individual audition one by one.

Heads in the water!  It must be beautiful

Heads in the water! Should go pretty “under”. “It’s really cool,” she says, “I just can’t dive in.” (Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah)

“Sh…, sh…, sh…!” Jamila fails Costa Cordalis’ memory test

Jamila Rowe, 55, was the first to vote and chose “correct” because she suspected something of “knowledge”. She was excited. “I do everything. I just have problems diving with my head under water.” And what happened: head under water and dive in your mouth, accompanied by animals. But this did not happen. Jamila snapped the first attempt after about half a minute, the second after 22 seconds, and there was no living creature (except her) in the tank. Jamila spoiled the “Costa Cordalis memory test” (the iconic and memorable photo with Costa, who later became the first king of the jungle to carry a fat water spider on his diving goggles!) and was unattainable: “Shhh…, I’m so sorry, He quarreled with himself. “If only they had showered me with straw…or slime or gut, but that of all things.” Well, pretty, a rogue accuses RTL of being bad. Or as she puts it herself: “Yeah yeah, the experience of a lifetime.”

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She returns to camp depressed and is quickly comforted by Gigi. “She’s one of the most powerful women I’ve had the pleasure of meeting,” he said again as a gentleman. “She doesn’t need to prove anything here anymore.” After that he had to go by himself. “Kras” was his test name. His biggest fears were “the taste of fish and general knowledge,” but he was hot: “Today we eat! I’m going to get all-stars and make two more.”

orcs!  Jamila chokes and after a few seconds pulls the towline.  Ten crayfish, 30 water spiders, 15 toads, six small eels and one large were never used.  (Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah)

orcs! Jamila chokes and after a few seconds pulls the towline. Ten crayfish, 30 water spiders, 15 toads, six small eels and one large were never used. (Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah)

The gorge from below: Gigi is desperate for a pig’s womb

Of course, IBES fans were familiar with this test, too: Gigi was tempted with five delicacies, but he turned them down with a reluctant, eager sniff, and was then given “Australian specialties” to eat. The reality star was allowed to prove for the last time how beautifully and loudly he can choke. In between, he also burped a few times. Best of all: Zietlow “carried on the shoulder” the first time and Jan Koppen has you covered! Great sport!

Really Gigi. Sea cucumbers with fish slime went well. But a very large part of the pig’s uterus (Gigi: “What’s a uterus?” Coben: “Do you really want to know?”) erupted again. The star is gone. He would nibble on a beachworm with no problem, and he would gobble up the goat’s eyes under the bloodshot, clinking, whining, and gagging. Unfortunately, the final mixture of fermented fish rose up the esophagus, like magma in a volcano. He also found Sonia: “The third Italian volcano after Etna and Vesuvius: Gigi.” With three stars and a safe main course, Gigi returned to camp satisfied.

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Pretty drunk fighting with herself.

Pretty drunk fighting with herself. “If only they had showered me with husks…or viscera or snot, but that of all things. I can’t do it.” (Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah)

Hot as a Rat: Lucas Tongues Sweets

It’s Lucas’ turn to eat the candy. And with the tongue. Only with this he had to untie the stars from the string, immersed in the glass coffin among tens of thousands of mealworms and crickets as well as two handfuls of mice. The man wants nothing less than writing history. “My father, Costas I, is the first on the memorial plaque, I want Lucas I to come with me.” And in the editorial, he followed his words with action. Out of motivation (“No matter what the outcome, your dad will be so proud of you”), Bob hits the tongue with four stars. He built something big with his tongue and tore it out with his mouth: “That was exciting. I’m better than the others. The chances of the crown increased.”

The other two couldn’t share Lucas’ euphoria. Jamila also dealt with completely different construction sites. with her face. “I’ll get it all done when I get home. Botox and stuff. My forehead is really moving and I look like the living dead.”

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Whether it's real or fake, Gigi Peruvio simply puts on an amazing show.  He suffers his exam in a small phototape:

Whether it’s real or fake, Gigi Peruvio simply puts on an amazing show. He suffers his exam in a mini-tape: “Why do I always?” He seems to be saying by looking at the goat’s head. (Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah)

The Queen’s first words: “I am sick!”

At 00.08 Zietlow and Köppen announced the name of the third-place finisher, Lucas. And the detonation of stones that fell from the hearts of many fans in Germany caused the suspension bridge to wobble: “CallcenterCordalis”, which became a hashtag on social media, did not win. Lucas made a respectful expression at the unfortunate end of the game. Who envies the crown? “Everyone who has come this far deserves it,” he said – contrary to expectations – non-committal. In the camp, Jamila couldn’t believe it: “What? Did they miscalculate?” But Gigi, the Jungle analyst, had a piece of advice: “No, people have realized it’s not real.” Then, however, the gentle: “I would not have given him the crown, but to you, beautiful, I would give it to you with all my heart.”

And that’s it, Gigi (“I almost made it, but thanks guys for the second place!”) was allowed to embrace the new queen (now, by the way, after 16 seasons, it’s 8:8 between queens and kings) first. The first words of the new guardian: “Sch …! I’m sick. It can’t be, I’m completely overwhelmed.” She will learn to express herself more majestically.

Gigi Perofio is the cutest smother ever.  (Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah)

Gigi Perofio is the cutest smother ever. (Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah)

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