Jair Bolsonaro’s wife was vaccinated in the United States, criticism rains

Jair Bolsonaro’s wife was vaccinated in the United States, criticism rains

Michelle Bolsonaro has been accused of undermining the credibility of the vaccination campaign in Brazil by choosing to receive an injection abroad

Michel Bolsonaro, Wife of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, with a Covid vaccine this week in New York. “Getting vaccinated is a personal decision. My wife, for example, decided to get vaccinated in the United States. The far-right head of state said in an interview published on Friday by Veja magazine.

Jair Bolsonaro, Who confirmed that he would be the “last” Brazilian to be vaccinated, was in New York on Mondays and Tuesdays, and gave the opening address to the United Nations General Assembly, as tradition dictates. Some politicians and infectious disease specialists, in an interview with the online media G1, criticized the first lady’s decision, believing that she “disdained” the vaccination campaign carried out by the Brazilian public order.

Unwanted patriotism

“First, you have to congratulate her for getting her vaccinated. The vaccine saves, she worked, 10 out of 10,” Senator Omar Aziz said. On the other hand, “0 out of 10 because the vaccine injected in the United States is the same as in Brazil. So it could have been vaccinated here. Showing the Brazilians that she is immune is a good example. There, yes, we would have seen a true patriot, not an unwanted patriot.”

Epidemiologist Pedro Halal told G1 that this injection, which was done abroad, “shows contempt for the SUS (public health system) and for all Brazilians. It shows distrust.” After the protest, the government explained that Michele Bolsonaro had taken a polymerase chain reaction test to return to Brazil.

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At this point, a doctor asked her if she wanted to “seize the opportunity to be vaccinated,” and “since she was already planning to receive the vaccination, she decided to accept.” “The First Lady reiterates her admiration and respect for the Brazilian health system, particularly the professionals in this sector who tirelessly dedicate themselves to the care of the population’s health,” a statement read.

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