It’s time for the colonies in the new update to the No Man’s Sky Teller Report

It’s time for the colonies in the new update to the No Man’s Sky Teller Report

after five years, No Man’s Sky So it continues to expand tirelessly this time with an update Detailed here Which focuses on improving the basic construction and management of planetary colonies.

Colonies consist of small communities scattered on uninhabited planets across the galaxy. After getting his credits, the player will be able to become the manager of his own colony. The settlers will then turn to their supervisor in matters of construction, decoration, cash management, applicable policies, and conflict resolution. A touch of management city ​​builder in your No Man’s SkySo, nothing more surprising at this point.

Colonies that do not yet have a leader are generally small, sparsely populated, and have only a few buildings scattered around their central square. The explorer you are will only have to find the resources to build new buildings and turn these dilapidated dwellings into a bustling metropolis.

Space builders will also be delighted to see the arrival of more than a hundred decorative items as well as new combinations of structures in wood, stone, and various alloys to personalize the different colonies. Even better, this update improves the core build system with a simple and clear grid on which parts are now placed, allowing quick access to rare parts. In in-place mode, the new contextual menu makes it easier to manipulate and transform each database element.

On a technical level, finally, we can read that almost all the visual effects of the game have been rethought, revamped and improved. This should be especially felt when using weapons and explosions that will unleash more punches and add a new deep dimension to the battles. There are some fights when the colony becomes a little prosperous, thus attracting the attention of the bot rangers. In moments of calm, one would not miss the appearance of multi-colored nebulae generated by the gathering of clouds among the stars.

  • To read also | No Man’s Sky catches the eye with post update
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