Italy: Draghi on “A Government of Environmentalists”

Italy: Draghi on “A Government of Environmentalists”

foreign countries Italy

Draghi on a “government of environmentalists”

Government in Italy - the first cabinet meeting Government in Italy - the first cabinet meeting

Mario Draghi, Prime Minister of Italy, chairs the first cabinet meeting at the Chigi Palace

These are: dpa / Filippo Attili

The announcement of the new Italian prime minister to link Corona aid to environmental protection in Rome was considered a reference to the European Union. In exchange for billions in aid, it calls for more “green” change.

I amTalia’s new Prime Minister Mario Draghi has been sworn in on the community track despite old rivalries, according to media reports. “Our government will be one of the countries that protect the environment,” the newspapers quoted the former president of the European Central Bank (ECB) on the occasion of the first cabinet meeting on Saturday.

In Rome, this was seen as a reference to the European Union, which, in exchange for Corona’s aid worth billions, is calling for more “green” change. Draghi himself had not made a statement after he was sworn in.

And Italian newspapers such as “La Repubblica” and “Corriere della Sera” wrote that the 73-year-old had asked for cohesion from his 23 ministers for the sake of Italy. Draghi is counting on a wide variety of parties from left to right. Both parties in the old government led by Giuseppe Conte and large parts of the former opposition are represented in the Cabinet. There are also eight experts.

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Mario Draghi

“Repubblica” from Rome spoke of “our dearest enemy” as she looked at pictures of the swearing-in ceremony in front of President Sergio Mattarella and the team at the round table. According to the press release, the cabinet meeting lasted only 40 minutes. Quotations were not circulated.

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Wednesday program speech

A non-party Draghi took power after weeks of political siege and strife in Rome. Conte succeeds the non-partisan attorney who led the center-left coalition for nearly a year and a half.

Draghi’s keynote speech was announced on Wednesday, when the new prime minister searched the two-chamber parliament to gain the confidence of MPs and senators.

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