Introducing the future of Rainbow Six in Italy

Introducing the future of Rainbow Six in Italy

For some time, the Italian community of Rainbow Six Siege has been demanding an official and alternative path to the PG Nationals. A similar tournament, which managed to give space to the youngest and prepare them not only on the battlefield, but also in managing the pressures of a competitive match. In the end these requests were granted. In fact, in the past few days, the second version of BeSerious has launched. The real news is that starting this year, the tournament has joined the PG Esports galaxy and will secure two places on the relegation stage of the upcoming Spring Split.

NATS series b.

A second national ranking in all respects and closely related to the ultimate competition of Rainbow Six Siege. “The collaboration with PG Esports – in the words of Matteo” Forever.exe “Besutti – is paying off and thanks to their experience we are learning to build my league from scratch. I sincerely hope that this cooperation will solidify further over time, with the aim of creating a more fertile, but above all stable, environment for Competitive Siege in Italy. What do we expect from this BeSerious? The prospects are really positive both from the management and from the players.”

new talents

The goal, compared to the previous version, was to raise the bar. Something that would allow us to train the players of tomorrow, so that they get used to working as a team for the long term. A tournament, then, that looks to the future and aims to give all the up-and-coming players a chance to finally compete in an official league. “Level 4 – recognized by Alexandre ‘Jaxa’ Kespi Ramirez – has always been a sore spot on the Italian scene. The lack of perseverance of the players has caused most of the already few promising players to be forgotten, due to a sterile environment in which no one can notice them. We want to be the breath of fresh air that we It takes T4 to a higher level and we create the best playground for the growth of new competitive talent.”

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how to evolve

In the meantime, let’s move on to the slightly more technical aspects. The tournament has already anticipated a qualifying phase. From here, there was a skimming process that brought eight teams to the group stage which will play in the home and away matches. Next, it will be the turn of the playoff stage, where matches from the quarter-finals to the final will be played on the three best maps.

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