INRAE, UBFC, University of Burgundy and Institut Agro sign Agreement on Objectives and Means

INRAE, UBFC, University of Burgundy and Institut Agro sign Agreement on Objectives and Means

Left to right, Vincent Thomas, President of the University of Burgundy, Philippe Maughan, CEO of INRAE, Nathalie Monnier-Jolin, President of INRAE ​​Bourgogne – Center Franche Comte, Dominique Griffey, President of UBFC, Nathalie CoyoteAnd the Director assistant From Institute agricultural Dijon.

Signed between INRAE ​​and UBFC (University of Burgundy-Franche-Comté) as well as two of its founding members, the University of Burgundy and the Institut Agro Dijon, this first agreement of objectives and means reflects the common desire of the four partners to develop, strengthen and expand their cooperation, particularly on the topic of food systems sustainable development at the regional level or to support research in microbial ecology developed under the HARMI Center of Excellence [3].

In line with the scientific dynamism pursued by the I-Site policy, with the ambition of excellence at the national and international levels, this agreement sets the framework for an integrated and distinct vision for the region. The three main lines of concrete action are as follows:

  1. Attracting and strengthening scientific talent

During the period from 2022 to 2026, the three institutions of the University of Burgundy, the Institut Agro Dijon and INRAE ​​pledge or plan to offer 17 arbitration positions for a research officer, lecturer or university professor, as well as two positions for an engineer. In terms of training, Agro Dijon and INRAE ​​will offer approximately 12 PhD contracts to arbitrate their respective scientific boards.

2- Maximizing the impact of international mechanisms

Partners are uniting their efforts to better coordinate their international cooperation tools around a few tools: the Franco-Chinese International Joint Laboratory “Agroecology”, supported by UMR Agroecology, UBFC Partnership Agreements, and the FORTHEM Alliance Food Science Laboratory (uB) ), and of course the PIA ExcellenceS HARMI project (“Harnessing the Microbiome for Sustainable Development”).

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In addition, the signatories undertake to establish a common reception structure for foreign employees. It will be a matter of pooling resources dedicated to welcoming foreigners within a common structure to contribute to the site’s international appeal for talented students, professors and researchers.

3- Formalization of a training demonstration for the infrastructure of the joint research units

While maintaining the platforms at a high level of performance and innovation in relation to the UBFC COS Platform, the partners intend to integrate a training offering into the ES Doctoral School (UBFC) catalog on research platforms undertaken by the joint UMRs (ChemoSens, 4PMI, Genosol, DimaCell). These platforms will be mobilized under the TRANSBIO UBFC InteGrate Graduate School, Agro Dijon Institute and Lab Food Science University European FORTHEM (uB).

Harmy Center of Excellence, on “Harnessing the Microbiome for Sustainable Development”

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