Innocence on PS5 and Xbox Series X |  S with next generation upgrade, release date –

Innocence on PS5 and Xbox Series X | S with next generation upgrade, release date –

A Plague Tale: Innocence You will get updated with Upgrade the next general for every PS5 and Xbox Series X | S., which will be available at 6 July 2021, free for those who already own the game in the original version, and it will also launch directly on Xbox Game Pass.

There is also Trailer for a movie Presentation, organized today during the post-E3 2021 Xbox Extended event, featuring this new version of A Plague Tale: Innocence with improved graphics. Pending more details, we know at the moment that the Asobo Studios game has been remastered with graphics in 4K, Various Graphical Enhancements e 60 frames per secondTo indicate if there are different graphic options or items together.

Given that the release date, or July 6, 2021, also coincides with the release of new free PlayStation Plus games in July, several sources claim that the game is expected to arrive on the same day also in PS5 and straight inside Free PS Plus games in July 2021But we are waiting for confirmation.

Meanwhile, A Plague Tale: Requiem has been announced at E3 2021, or a sequel to a specific action adventure with a fictional historical setting, which you can also read preview by Alessandra Borgonovo.

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