In the US, more and more Americans say they are ‘without religion’

In the US, more and more Americans say they are ‘without religion’

Nearly a third of Americans say they will have no religion in 2021, an upward trend for years that reflects stronger secularism in the United States, where Christianity remains dominant, according to the Pew Research Institute. In a country known to be highly religious, 29% of adults consider themselves so “Atheists, agnostics, or without a particular religion”compared to 16% in 2007, the first time the institute has measured this trend.

Christians still form the majority, but only at 63% versus 78% in 2007. Among them, among those who declare themselves Protestant, the decline is the strongest, from 52% to 40% since 2007, versus 21%. Proclaimed Catholics (24% in 2007). 6% of American adults belong to other religions, including Islam (1%), Judaism (1%), Buddhism (1%), and Hinduism (1%).

The apparent secularization of American society in the twenty-first century shows no sign of slowing down., notes the Pew Research Center, whose study does not compare with other countries. Another example, now, 45% of American adults say they pray daily, compared to 58% in 2007.

Among Protestants, evangelicals remain the majority, 60% identifying themselves with this term or the term “born again”. In an earlier study, Pew noted that 84% of white evangelical Christians voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. Data for 2021 comes from the American Public Opinion Poll (NPORS).

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