In the United States, Republican senators have blocked the infrastructure deal

In the United States, Republican senators have blocked the infrastructure deal

US President Joe Biden in Cincinnati on July 21, 2021.

The US Senate refused, on Wednesday, July 21, to initiate at this stage an examination of$1200 billion infrastructure investment plan (1017 billion euros), which is the focus of the strategy of Joe Biden who, after all, is optimistic about the continuation of parliamentary proceedings.

Republican elected officials, who have a blocking minority, opposed the opening of parliamentary debates during the first test of this giant plan, so dear to the Democratic president.

Il ya près d’un mois, le président démocrate avait annoncé s’être entendu avec des élus des deux partis pour investir cette somme considérable sur huit ans, dans les routes, les aéroports, lester à l’eau aux flow high.

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‘We need more time’

Joe Biden traveled to Cincinnati on Wednesday, a city in the northeastern state of Ohio, to remind opposition politicians of this informal agreement: “I come from a tradition (…) Where, when we shake hands, that’s it, we keep our promise”, He said.

” Yeah ! “, He responded to a CNN reporter who questioned him during a public debate to see if he believed in the affirmative vote next Monday to open discussions about the details of his plan. “And we’ll fix your damn bridge!” “, He said with laughter and applause. He was referring to an infrastructure very close to Cincinnati, the Brent Spence Bridge, whose renovation has been discussed for years, and which is an emblem of old American infrastructure.

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The Senate’s Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer, had wanted to start parliamentary work on Wednesday. But Republicans considered the move hasty. ‘We need more time’Senator Todd Young explained. Discussions about the means of financing these expenditures are faltering, after Republicans reject a device that would have strengthened the fight against tax evasion.

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Even if the vote fails, the text must remain. The 22 negotiators from the two sides confirmed, in a statement, that they have “Make great progress and be close to him[avoir trouvé] agreement”. One of them, moderate Republican Mitt Romney, even mentioned a date next Monday to wrap up their work.

Green energies, health or education

Beyond the infrastructure “Classics”President Joe Biden wants massive investments in green energy, health or education.

Because of Republican opposition to more spending in these areas, Democrats are ready to move forward on their own with a parallel plan, currently valued at $3.5 trillion. To do this, they intend to use a procedure for budget bills, which makes it possible to reduce the number of votes needed to 50 out of 100 for the adoption of a text in the Senate (as opposed to 60 votes otherwise).

However, they would not be able to withstand a single defection, which was still uncertain given the various sensibilities present in their ranks. ‘We don’t have a lot of cranes’Senator Bernie Sanders, the figure of the American left. “We cannot afford not to make these investments.”However, Joe Biden confirmed Friday during a trip to Congress.

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The world with AFP

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