In one year, Espace France Services found its “audience” in Neuburg

In one year, Espace France Services found its “audience” in Neuburg

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Morena Boncompagni (right) is one of the two agents welcoming the public at France Services. © Thomas Gilbert

1any July 2023 was his birthday. The elected officials seem very happy with it and the two agents assigned to it as well. I’Establishment Services France (DFS) is experiencing “great success,” according to Jean-Paul Legendre, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt The Community of Municipalities of Pays du Neubourg. “It’s doing well and it’s growing.”

positive balance

Comcom, which hosts France Services at its headquarters inTourism office the Newburgh (Uri), draw one balance sheet More than positive and the numbers testify to that. In July 2022, 179 people pushed through the doors of the EFS. In May, they were 622. “We’ve supported us a bit with tax declarations and property tax,” says the Comcom president. “In the first six months, we averaged 300 people in attendance. The next six it came to 440.” Claude Fresnetthe responsible manager Services to the population. In total, this represents in one year 4,426 people who came to the site or contacted EFS by phone. “90% presented to the Tourist Office,” specifies the manager.

Youngsters know how to play on their phones or on their computers, but when it comes to actions, they are sometimes just as clueless as their parents and grandparents!

Jean-Paul Legendre, President of the Pays du Neubourg Commune

First of all, the demands relate to retreats. there Tax return and theProperty Taxes Come second. “DGFIP blew everything,” comments, hilarious, Morena Boncompagne, one of two EFS agents. Then there are the pre-orders for ID cardsthe Passports and the gray cardsactions with swordfollower CPAMetc.

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“The French Services Foundation has really found its audience,” confirms Jean-Paul Legendre. That is why it will continue and, in a more or less distant future, will take up a little more space thanks to the expansion of the building, which is still being studied.

In any case, the President of Pays du Neubourg made this observation: “The development of society depends on digital technology, but it leaves a third of people in the way, and they are not all old. Young people know how to play on their phones or on their computers, but when it comes to Command by measures, they are sometimes as ignorant as their fathers and grandfathers! »

“There are no negative comments”

To help this audience, Comcom has hired two people: Morena Boncompagne (quoted above) f Angelique Prevost. “We are in almost zero accidents. The rate of satisfaction in the procedures is high, because in one year, we have settled almost 90% of the files by our own means “, Claude Friesen confirms.

Finally, even in the absence of a satisfaction survey, the manager assures us: “There is no negative feedback, it is our indicator. Otherwise, it would be known in the service. The management therefore praises the quality of listening to agents. Morena Boncompany seems to have measured this feeling She explains: “Angelique and I are very complementary, learning from each other. matches with phew! »

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We have a reference with each partner, with a direct number, when we encounter difficulties in the process.

Morena Boncompagni is an agent of the French Service Corporation

However, agents are “not specialists in the departments represented”. “These departments are within reach,” Jean-Paul Legendre adds. “We have regular training with partners, Morena Boncompagni continues. After that, we have a reference with each partner, with a direct number, when we encounter difficulties in the process. Partnerships are well established. Sometimes, it is true, we go a little further, but when it becomes More technically, we give in. We must, because that is not what we are being asked to do.”

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In addition, the partner departments can make an appointment in person or by video conference for those who request it. This takes place, for one and the other, in a separate room, arranged to keep the exchanges confidential.

decentralized permanence

Another advantage of Pays du Neubourg EFS: its “decentralized points”. “We stick to our military will and get as close as possible to the region,” Jean-Paul Legendre affirms. But right now, Comcom doesn’t have enough hindsight to draw any lessons from it, because hotlines in municipalities started in November 2022. “We can say that with the mayors involved, we are for their maintenance. If the attendees are too “experimental”, adjustments will be made. »

Today, all the communes bordering the department are concerned with Brousseville, Dubeuf-la-Campagne, Emmanville, Vauqueville, Graffron-Simerville, Hondoville, Le Bousque-du-Tille and Tourville-la-Campagne. In the medium term, elected officials of the local community are considering permanent residence in Saint-Aubin-d’Écrosville. “It’s not decided yet, but the goal remains for everyone to be ten minutes away from the clock,” recalls Jean-Paul Legendre.

We feel that people need a new human connection. In this rural area, many people are not always on the move.

Morena Boncompagne

“In Neubourg we are open 28 hours a week to the public. Once every two weeks, except for school holidays, we go to one of these towns. Ask the organization, while one is permanent, the other at the EFS,” assures Morena Boncompagne.

For the head of the local community, the French services make up for the disappearance of some departments from the territory of the canton. The EFS was able to “compensate for somewhat deeper fluctuations. In sermons they are appreciated or else forgotten”, he laments. Morena Boncompagne shares this observation: “We feel that people need a new human connection. In this rural area, many people are not always on the move.”

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