In “Gamekult”, the editorial staff was asked by the new contributor not to come back

In “Gamekult”, the editorial staff was asked by the new contributor not to come back

The bomber went badly: on Monday, November 21, the journalists of the editorial board of V.I gamekult They were informed that their new shareholder, Reworld Media, did not want them to continue operating during the notice period. In other words, the employees who asserted their right to the waiver clause, and who had to work until December 7, were forced to pack their boxes early, with office entry prohibited.

It is impossible for the team to keep following the news until the agreed upon date, as they promised readers nonetheless, nor to produce a final farewell broadcast to their community. The contributor’s action concerns the six journalists on permanent contracts, who make up the bulk of the in-house editorial team. Thus, three other journalists will be able to continue their activities until the end of the notice period.

During a broadcast on Twitch on Thursday, the two editors announced that the vast majority of their editorial staff, both employers and freelancers, have chosen to take advantage of the assignment clause — which was unlocked after the sale of TF1 to a home mom. gamekultConsolidation, to Reworld Media. A waiver clause is a specificity associated with journalist status that is triggered following an acquisition or shareholding change. The concerned journalists are allowed to leave the company while retaining their right to unemployment and benefiting from compensation that varies according to the number of years spent on the editorial board.

Read also: Gamekult’s editorial board resigned after the site was taken over by Reworld Media
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The staff therefore intended to leave the editorial board after one month’s notice. Except that the sling seems to have displeased the new shareholder, who decided on this “exemption from notice.” This provision allows the employer to terminate cooperation with departing employees immediately. Compensation will be paid to employees to make up for the last month’s salary.

“Gamecult 2.0”

in columnsIGN FranceHowever, the directors of Reworld began plotting the beginnings of a strategy of their owngamekult 2.0″ : The streaming video formats produced by the site are no longer on the agenda, but the new owners want to incorporate the social network dimension on a larger scale.

The management is actively seeking to rejuvenate the team gamekult. Several journalists and former members of the team have been contacted to offer assistance to the suddenly depopulated editorial staff. IGN France More specifically, it refers to looking for a job Brand Manager, but at the moment a new recruitment process has not been formalized. In the end, Reworld does not rule out the possibility of abandoning the economic model of gamekult, based on subscription and posting long-term surveys. An optional subscription will be maintained for users who wish to avoid viewing advertisements on the site.

Reworld Media, founded in 2012, is a media group known for its association with the journalist niche. The company stood out particularly during the acquisition of the Mondadori press group, which caused most of the Mondadori magazine editorial staff to leave Science and life.

Read also The material is reserved for our subscribers Reworld Media, or Seeing Journalism Without Journalists
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