In Cordemais, Eveline and Jean-Luc Bernard prepare to travel to New Zealand

In Cordemais, Eveline and Jean-Luc Bernard prepare to travel to New Zealand

Hell of a track record in pedals

They returned from their last trip (4,124 kilometers from San Diego, California, to Calgary, Canada, in just under two months) on August 9, and Evelyn and Jean-Luc Bernard are already preparing for their future cycling trip, their 16th, in New Zealand, from November 3 to December 10.

In 2006, the Tour of France followed the coasts and borders, meaning 5,000 km. In 2008, they traveled to Beijing from Paris, a distance of 13,000 km. In 2013, they sailed from Cordemais towards the North Cape, a distance of 10,000 kilometres. In 2016, they crossed Central America, from Mexico to Panama. There were also tours in Ireland, Corsica and Greece. tireless! Next: New Zealand, departing on November 3, returning on December 10, with a boat crossing between the two islands.

Their motives

Driven by a thirst for adventure, to discover other countries, civilizations and ways of life, to escape into nature, everything interests them, and they realize: “After seeing so much, we realize that we are happy in France. »

New Zealand was chosen because Jean-Luc dreamed of a new continent. In Europe, they travel alone. Beyond that, they call in a Belgian organizer and bring together small groups of adventurers.

When they return, they create a slideshow, which is shown to their friends but also to the Priory nursing home.

Some travel stories

“The last trip was difficult. says the couple. With the temperature reaching 52 degrees Celsius. Evelyn also had three heat strokes. In Montana, on the other hand, we were very cold at night and very frightened by the bears that roamed nearby. »

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The two adventurers are not multilingual, but they have learned to understand themselves. They say: “We only speak French, but we have become the kings of mime.” » above all, “Without each other, we couldn’t do anything, because we support each other, encourage each other.”


“My dream now is Africa, maybe in 2025,” Jean-Luc Bernard predicts. For 2024, I am happy with my wife who kindly accompanied me on the last journey. It will be a cruise in the fjords. »

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