In Afghanistan, the Taliban announced a “general amnesty” for civil servants

In Afghanistan, the Taliban announced a “general amnesty” for civil servants

Stringer. via Reuters

Taliban insurgents patrol in front of Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, August 16, 2021

Afghanistan – The Taliban announced, on Tuesday, a general amnesty for all state officials, and called on them to return to work, two days after they took power. AfghanistanThanks to the lightning attack.

It is indicated that “a general amnesty has been declared for all (…), so you should resume your lifestyle with complete confidence” Taliban In a press release on Tuesday, August 17th.

But for many Afghans, trust will be hard to earn. When they were in power (1996-2001), the Taliban had enforced a very strict version of Islamic law. Women could neither work nor study, and thieves and murderers faced harsh punishments.

The movement is trying to change its image. Inamullah Semanghani, a member of the Taliban’s cultural committee, stressed Tuesday that they do not want women to be “victims”, and that they “should participate in the government structure according to Islamic law.”

He said, “The structure of the government is not completely clear, but based on experience, there must be a fully Islamic leadership and all parties must join it.” Skynews.

A trader in the capital told AFP on Tuesday that people were “afraid of the unknown” while waiting in the streets. The Taliban patrol the city in small convoys. They do not bother anyone, but of course people are afraid.” This did not prevent a small group of women from demonstrating on Tuesdays in the streets.

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Despite the Taliban’s assertions, some reports appear to indicate that they are continuing to search for government officials, with one witness saying that men of their own entered the home of one of those officials to take him by force.

a few hours ago, President Biden He had defended his decision to withdraw US troops from the country, despite scenes of ordeal on Monday at Kabul airport, as thousands of people tried to flee the country.

See also on The HuffPost: After the Taliban arrived, they stormed Kabul airport

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