Impressive New Zealanders haka against Team USA

Impressive New Zealanders haka against Team USA

The Tall Blacks, the New Zealand basketball team, performed the famous Haka on Saturday 26 August, a threatening dance that is performed before every national team game and made famous around the world by fellow rugby players. Rituals did not prevent the United States, their opponent today, from winning the first pool match between the two teams (99-72).

Saturday, August 26, Team USA defeated New Zealand in the FIBA ​​World Cup
On Saturday, August 26, Team USA beat New Zealand in the FIBA ​​World Cup | Reuters

  • Samedi 26 août, la Team USA a pris le meilleur sur la Nouvelle-Zélande, dans le cadre de la Coupe du Monde de basket
    Samedi 26 août, la Team USA a pris le meilleur sur la Nouvelle-Zélande, dans le cadre de la Coupe du Monde de basket | REUTERS

Who said the haka is for all blacks only? The famous menacing battle cry is broadcast around the world by New Zealand rugby players, and is also performed by the national basketball team before each of its matches. On Saturday 26 August, on the occasion of their first World Cup match, New Zealand attempted to impress the world against Team USA.

In perfect coordination and under the quiet gaze of the American players, the Tall Blacks sang their ritual songs. However, this show of strength did not prevent the Americans, the favorites to win the World Cup, from winning easily (99-72).

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