Immerse yourself in images in galactic days at Auxerre, the show dedicated to science fiction

Immerse yourself in images in galactic days at Auxerre, the show dedicated to science fiction

A gymnasium turned into a spaceship. The idea may seem silly, but indulging in it is successful. Within the USS Gorgolem, the Aux’ID Society is organizing the seventh edition of Galactics Days, Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 October, inside the René-Yves Aubin Gymnasium.

Giant game room upstairs

On the theme of the popular film Back to the Future, this gallery welcomes about sixty exhibitors and numerous activities around science fiction and time travel. In the corridors on the ground floor there are many fan associations, small galleries and professionals who come to share their passions: literature, graphic arts, multimedia, etc.

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The first floor has also been converted into a giant games room. Next to the arcades and retro gaming stations, there is an airsoft area, training sessions to tackle the lightsaber and tables to discover role-playing games and life-size board games. The escape game room is also waiting for the most cerebral to solve a puzzle in thirty minutes.

The event runs on Sundays, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., in the gym. Admission is set at €5, which is free for children under 12 and people dressed as science fiction. The cosplay competition is scheduled for 4pm (registration from 3pm).

Find the complete Galactic Days program

Antoine Compiegne

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