Ice World II – ZDF

Ice World II – ZDF

Nature + travel, nature + environment

Frozen Worlds II

From Patagonia to the Atacama Desert to the foothills of the Himalayas – the ice worlds of the mighty mountains are home to a surprisingly diverse array of wildlife. These frigid habitats at higher elevations present their inhabitants with extraordinary challenges. Terra X encounters cougars, flamingos, and giant pandas who, despite the harsh conditions, overcame all odds to survive there. The film follows the live birth of a chameleon – filmed for the first time. The fascinating hunting of golden eagles, which provide their offspring with prey, is also well documented. While in Japan macaques find unusual ways to brave the cold in the snowiest part of the world, in New Zealand the kea uses its wit. With racing drones, viewers can experience for the first time what it’s like to race down an alpine slope in an avalanche. In Patagonia, thanks to the latest thermal camera technology, it has been documented that cougars, which are solitary, can work cooperatively. The flamingos of the Atacama Desert also rely on the proven method of moving together to fight the cold.

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