Hubble and James Webb give us a stunning 3D journey into the 'Pillars of Creation'

Hubble and James Webb give us a stunning 3D journey into the 'Pillars of Creation'

James Webb proves once again that he can do better than Hubble by simply revisiting the stars he was the first to obtain distinct images of during the 1990s, and this time, the Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula are appearing in a new light because we can simulate a 3D flight. around, by combining data from Hubble and James Webb.

Is there any need to provide more information about the Pillars of Creation, these structures roughly 4 to 5 light-years across that have been made iconic since 1995 by Hubble Telescope images? Astronomy scientistsAstronomy scientists Jeff Hester and Paul Scowen ofArizona State University ?

It was clearly visible in the region of the Eagle Nebula (which itself spans 70 x 55 light-years), a nebula discovered by Swiss astronomer Jean-Philippe Louis de Chesseau in 1745 in the constellation Serpens that we now know is located 6,500-7,000 light-years from the Solar System.

We now also know that the Eagle Nebula, also called Messi 16Messi 16 Or M16, is the youth training areastarsstars by CollapsesCollapses And segmentation A cloudsclouds Dense and cold molecularhydrogenhydrogen And dust. Among the stars formed we find huge stars. colorcolor White, blue, types O and B. produce an intense flux of radiation ultravioletultraviolet Which, through photoevaporation, erodes the cloud, excavates cavities, and thus releases column-shaped structures that are doomed to extinction in the long run.

A 3D journey around the pillars of creation

Data collected now using the James Webb Telescope has renewed our knowledge of the Pillars of Creation, and today we can take a kind of realistic 3D reconstructed journey intoComputerComputer Also using Hubble data, such as NASANASA That day appears in a new video.

By flying and passing between the columns, viewers learn about their three-dimensional structure and see how they appear differently in Hubble's visible-light view compared to the optical view. InfraredInfrared From the Webb telescope. interviewinterview It helps them understand why we have more than one Space telescopeSpace telescope to observe different aspects of the same object, Frank Summers, a visualization researcher at NASA, explains in a press release Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) of Baltimore, who led the film's development team The world of learning.

NASA continues to comment on its new video, explaining that, “ Subordinate WindWind Stars and high light energyenergy Hot young stars at the center of the nebula are responsible for creating the pillar shapes. The video then takes us on a journey into the three-dimensional structure of the pillars. Based on scientific findings, astronomers and artists have modeled this impressive formation in three dimensions and created a sequence that flies through the pillars. What might appear to be three connected pillars in a two-dimensional image separate into four clouds of dust escaping from them. GasGas Ionized. As the virtual camera scans the model, the view switches between Hubble's visible light and Webb's infrared light. The audience gets an idea of ​​contrasting observations and how telescopes complement each other by examining different scientific aspects of clouds. nickname Pillars of creation It comes from the fact that stars are formed within these clouds. The visual tour highlights the different stages of star formation, including a protostarprotostar Embedded at the top of the central column, dipole jets emanate from an invisible forming star at the top of the left column and a newborn star in the middle of the left column

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