Here’s how to chat with someone without any trace of the conversation

Here’s how to chat with someone without any trace of the conversation

When we want to talk to someone on WhatsApp, we have to go to our contacts list and make sure that they are saved on our phone. but it’s over, Because now a new way has been discovered to be able to chat with whoever you want without saving it on your phone. How do I do ?

It should be noted To use these steps, You need to download a companion app on WhatsApp. The best part is that it does not ask for permission to access your contact list.

How to chat with someone on WhatsApp without registering them

  • The first thing to do is go to Google Play.
  • There, find the WhatsDirect app – Live chat without touching.
  • Once installed, a box opens.
  • There will have to To determine Country.
  • Now just enter the phone number Mobile and message.
  • when you’re done, Click Submit.
  • This will open WhatsApp and you can view the conversation without having to add the person to your address book.
  • even betteryou can also Attach photos or videos if asked for a document.
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© REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration / Archivo

Can I send a message from my computer?

If WhatsApp doesn’t already have permission to access your phone’s camera, you’ll need to give it this permission. Then scan the QR code on your computer screen. WhatsApp will then open on your computer and connect to your phone. You will now be able to send and receive WhatsApp messages on your computer, details.

To create your own link in WhatsApp, Use where there is a full phone number in international format. Do not include zeros, parentheses, or hyphens when adding a phone number in this way.

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