Here is the woman with the “most perfect body in the world” according to this scientific study

Here is the woman with the “most perfect body in the world” according to this scientific study

the Universities We are constantly conducting various studies of all kinds. Many of them have focused on the female body, and more specifically, on the measurements that men prefer in women. Funny research at a time when body positivity is still on the rise!

A movement that aims to send a fairly clear message: the perfect body does not exist and it is important to learn about it. we love each other As we are, rather than wanting to modify our bodies to respond to the dictates of society.

This woman's body is considered “perfect” according to science.

the Mirror Newspaper Various results from university studies were collected to imagine the most attractive body for men. Which would come closest? Kelly BrookA British model with a great figure, she hates diets and prefers to treat herself and stay natural.

Kelly Brook is not a size 36 and she is proud of her body. Women in 50's They were sexier. That's what I aspire to be. I always think my mother gave me this face and this body and I'm grateful for that. I don't want to start playing with what she gave me.” The actress stated during an interview with the magazine, International.Logic we really like!

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What does the ideal female body look like according to science?

According to scientists, the “ideal” woman is somewhat similar to her, with long hair. brown curlyAs for his face, Men of all cultures are attracted to A Evil face With big eyes and arched eyebrows Dr Ben Jones from the Face Lab at the University of Aberdeen estimated during his study.

For the rest of the body, men surveyed at the Universities of Gdansk (Poland) and Texas preferred women with a waist 1/3 smaller than the hips. As for height, ideally, she would measure 1m 73. As for our sisters from Beauty TestAnd this description is very close to Kelly Brook's look!

Kelly Brook: A woman with a natural personality who doesn't shy away from body shame

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But again, the perfect body does not exist. The proof is that everyone's tastes are completely different! Why do we try to put women in boxes, especially when it comes to their physical appearance?

Even Kelly Brook, who is close to the so-called feminine ideal, is a daily victim of body shaming on her social media. The important thing is to please yourself, not others.

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