In Laval, a new co-working space will open at the end of November 2024, in the Tivalis area.

In Laval, a new co-working space will open at the end of November 2024, in the Tivalis area.

A new co-working space in Laval (Mayenne)? This is the project of Solange Tournier and Vincent Audax, who have been living in Mayenne for more than 10 years. The couple wants to be able to welcome their first clients at the end of November 2024.

Place to “receive customers”

This project was born from an observation: There is no place for Collaborative work Where you can easily park your car in Laval. »
Solange Tournier, an administrative services provider, needed an office to do this. “Receiving customers or service providers”For her partner Vincent Audax, a larger workspace has become essential for his plumbing business.

So, in early July, the two young men in their thirties started looking for a small house. Since they couldn't find shoes that fit their feet, they bought bigger shoes. “So that others can benefit from the space Collaborative work that we will create »excited Solange Tournier, who noted “A real must in Laval” With his acquaintances.

“It will be like home.”

The site is currently under construction and will include: Three furnished offices from 10 to 17 m2 And a reception room Available for hire, occasionally or for longer periods. On the ground floor, The Chancellor plans to set up her own office. Vincent Audax will be based in the basement of the house.

The purpose of this project? To allow freelancers “Find social connections again and enjoy a quiet place.”The couple, who also plan to arrange the outdoor space as well as a cooking area, hope to have a TV, table and fridge.

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“It will be like home, but with a spirit of collaboration.”The businessman concludes. The couple did not want to reveal the exact address of the place to maintain the element of surprise at the opening.

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