Here are the best four years of your life according to science...which is totally surprising!

Here are the best four years of your life according to science…which is totally surprising!

a A recent study The four years in which humans lived revealed the greatest happiness. The results were surprising! Indeed, a large number of people tend to think that the best years are over childhood period. However, according to the results published in the journal Social Indicators ResearchIn a completely different era, the stage of happiness falls.

However, thinking of childhood as the best period in life is important. In fact, a healthy framework for growth makes it possible to develop quickly Explicit happiness. Children have a certain kind of neglect and have far fewer fears than they do in adolescence or adulthood. Other people also mentioned the fulfillment they felt in their twenties.

Four years are mainly marked by fulfillment

This period after high school is characterized by discovery and dynamism. In fact, for many people, turning twenty means New experiences Meetings and thus the opportunity to feel joy were rarely noticed in the past. However, The study found that childhood The twenties were not the periods of joyful moments. According to her, it will actually be our best years In his thirtiesMore precisely, between the ages of 30 and 34.

To reach this conclusion, the research team led by a Spanish economics professor Begoña AlvarezInterviews with several people over 50 years old in 13 European countries The female version. Scientists asked them in what period of their lives they were the happiest. This is the beginning of a file Thirties which was most often associated with feeling happy by the respondents.

Gain confidence and financial stability that leads to a happy period

However, the study did not specify the reasons for these responses directed towards the thirties. neon mag Thus, it was suggested that this prosperity was allowed by A.S insurance gains and complete some projects. The thirties are marked by a Better financial stability From the twenties. As a result, many people by the age of 30 are better able to travel and realize life plans extensively.

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Other moments of life are punctuated by recurring fears

during their studiesThe researchers also looked at the moments we experience in life least happy. According to the answers obtained, there will be two unsatisfactory periods for most of us. The first is between 10 and 14 years old. In fact, the pre-adolescence It is generally distinguished by Many doubts and questions. Puberty marks a stage from childhood to adolescence, which is often chaotic.

According to the study, another period when difficulties can arise is After 70 years. Health deteriorates and feelings of isolation can quickly set in. However, the researchers wanted to point out that these stats relate to subjective affection : His Excellency. While it’s common to be happy in your early 30s, that doesn’t mean fulfillment can never happen at 40, 50, or 60.

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