Herav: “I did not try in any way to uproot Muslik.”

Herav: “I did not try in any way to uproot Muslik.”

A new assignment for an old friend: Just ten days after his return as assistant coach, he is supposed to save Andreas Herav SV Raid as temporary coach from relegation and against TSV Hartberg (Now Live and Exclusively on Sky Sport Austria 4 – Stream the game live with the SkyX Dream PassGather important points.

Originally, Hraff was supposed to achieve the goals of the season as assistant coach for Meron Muslik, after leaving the club in the summer due to differences within the team: “Last summer I in no way tried to beat Gerald Baumgartner and now I haven’t tried in any way to take Miron out. Saw is from Muslik. My job was to hold the class with Meron, “he explains.

Andreas Herraf: Reid is back in a new role

After Muslik resigned during the international break, Herff is now back as head coach of a German club after more than 15 years. In doing so, he draws on the most diverse experiences in his career, which led him from Schwannstadt through New Zealand to Upper Austria: “I’ve had a lot of experiences. In the end, it’s just about becoming a better person. You have to be satisfied with yourself, it will all be. Another thing is much easier. “

The staggering Ridder wants to “give 120 percent” against Hartberg

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