Haka in the New Zealand Parliament: The end of the polar nights and the hurricane in Bamberg.. News of the week with pictures

Haka in the New Zealand Parliament: The end of the polar nights and the hurricane in Bamberg.. News of the week with pictures


Video duration: 2 minutes

Returning on Sunday, January 14 at 8pm, in World News Week.  Heading to New Zealand, but also the United States, Russia and South Korea.

The World: Hakka in the New Zealand Parliament, the end of the polar nights, and a hurricane in Bamberg.. News of the week with pictures
Returning on Sunday, January 14 at 8pm, in World News Week. Heading to New Zealand, but also the United States, Russia and South Korea.
(France 2)

Returning on Sunday, January 14 at 8pm, in World News Week. Heading to New Zealand, but also the United States, Russia and South Korea.

A memorable first speech to the New Zealand Parliament. A new Māori MP, 21, has begun an unexpected haka campaign to protest the Conservative government's plan, which wants to change the Māori names of some departments to English. On Tuesday, winds blew in Bamberg, South Carolina (United States), at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. A tornado swept through the city center, causing no casualties.

Spring returns

Some Russians rushed to immortalize the sunrise that they had not seen for a month in the polar night. “For us, this is a great day. It is a sign that we are approaching spring.”Rejoice man. Meanwhile, in South Korea, in waters approaching zero degrees Celsius, fish shivered before an army of fishermen with bare hands and no nets. Finally, six million earthlings on social networks watched an American influencer play a solo blues tune in Lyon (Rhône) during the holidays.

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