Grand Slam goal for Limougeaude Agathe Sochat and XV of France

Grand Slam goal for Limougeaude Agathe Sochat and XV of France

Agatha Suchat found the blue house. Marcoussis and Céline Ferrer, second line at Stade Toulousain, the “favorite skin boy” whom you are happy to surprise by broadcasting reactions on social networks. “It makes me feel good,” she pleads, smiling, as the Limojude drives back to its CNR condo after an enchanted arc.
On March 30, the girl was by his wife Adele’s bedside to attend the birth of little Nina. An event in which Limoges, with humble charm and simple words, lifts the veil to share his happiness. “I’m on cloud nine,” she admits. I am very happy with what is happening to me. To live in such an event, the most important in life, is only happiness. Even if I still lacked a bit of hindsight, it put certain things into perspective in my life.”

Be your best and live things up 200%.

Hyatt took on a new direction last summer with a return to Stade Bordelet after four seasons in Montpellier. A life in which rugby retains center stage five months before the World Cup finals in New Zealand. So, after a few days with the family, Agathe Schatt found the France group at the end of the Six Nations Championship. The spirit of competition and determination are intact if not tenfold. “I came back with a lot of freshness,” she continues. I’m here to be at my best, to test things out 200%.
Missed matches against Ireland and Scotland, Agatha Suchat (26, 28 caps) had no trouble finding trends within the group – “Out of competition, there are so many drills. It’s hard to lose a draft of the game” – and her starting place is in the heels , who was elected to the 2021 World Rugby World XV Championship.
Limougeaude also started last Friday against the Welshman with a new victory. “There were reasons to be complacent in the first half and some things that put us on alert after the break. But you had to win to take that final,” she says.

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the black monster

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That final is the ‘crisis’ that awaits the Bleues on Saturday (3:15 p.m.) at the all-sold Jean Duger Arena in Bayonne with the prospect of winning a Grand Slam. She appreciates it “it’s huge”. We will get a lot of support. And what’s more, it’s England…”.
In his white jersey, XV de la Rose is the true black beast of the Tricolores who are still in ten straight defeats against their favorite enemies. “Too often, not much is played, in small details, nuance from Agathe Sochat. In the face of such an opponent who plays with so much confidence, the slightest mistake is unforgivable. We must make sure to be where we are, to be focused. very but also to develop our game, not to fall into their game.

People who counted in Agath Sechat’s rally

Because besides putting an end to English domination, the tricolor bitch and her partners want a Grand Slam four years after the last time Limougeaude participated. “A Grand Slam is something exceptional in a profession,” Agathe Schatt recalls, ready to experience new emotions. In the first month of little Nina, they will only be stronger.

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Jean Francois Darthow

Follow @Jfdarthoux

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