Goalkeeper Matisse Peters found what he was looking for in Munich – TSV Burgdorf looking

Goalkeeper Matisse Peters found what he was looking for in Munich – TSV Burgdorf looking

The TSV Burgdorf team in the national league, which was stopped by only four points, and thus the lowest of all 19 teams in the two seasons, especially due to the renewed Corona pandemic, did not remain inactive during the mandatory break. The coaching team, players and supervisors have worked hard to create the new cabin wing next to the stadium at Sorgenser Straße. For example, he helped us bring in the lockers from the old accommodations. “The cabin is now ready for occupancy, and the match can start from the new wing,” said goalkeeper coach Alexander Homann.


It will take some time before TSV players can return to the field park. It remains unclear when the choppy season could start again. Meanwhile, it is certain that upon reboot, not a single player for TSV Burgdorf will appear: Mattis Peters.

The goalkeeper, instead under coach Frank Webber and Mark Perry, is now setting his career priorities. The 26-year-old has successfully passed his exam as a carpenter at the main school in Hanover and will pitch his tents in the south at the end of February. “I found a job in a carpentry shop in Munich,” said the outgoing goalkeeper.

“Not just a bitter loss in mathematical terms.”

Peters came to TSV a year and a half ago from Teos Cell, and the Bremen player had previously played 44 points for Brinkomer SV in the fifth division. After mingling with Celle, the budding carpenter went all over the world to New Zealand. After a two-year football break, he transferred to TSV Burgdorf.

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And now farewell. “The departure of our traveler, who is moving to Munich with his girlfriend Ellie from London, is not only a bitter loss for us in terms of sport. As a social man, Mattis was a very good fit for the team,” said TSV coach Weber.

Goalkeeper coach Homan agreed. “Matisse is a complete goalkeeper, showing excellent reflexes on the goal line and also excels with his foot when building the game. As a team player, he is received very well in the team,” Homan said.

These are the Champions of the Week from the Hanover region in the 2020/21 season

Hosan Bartawi (SG Letter 05): In the first-leg match at the SV Torquay Sport Garbsen, the 35-year-old goalkeeper saved three penalties within three minutes. But he became the champion of the week with 29.4% of the vote.


In addition to the remaining second regular goalkeeper Mark Perry, Peters’ departure means that the talented 18-year-old goalkeeper Malin Wrench, who previously played for Heeßeler SV’s A-Juniors and in TSV’s second team, will be brought up to the state league level.

There is also the 40-year-old goalkeeper coach from Burgdorf, who once stood between the columns in the major leagues in the SV Ramlingen / Eilershausen and SV Armenia Hanover. “I’m still in good shape, and I’ll intervene if I have to,” Homan said. TSV Burgdorf will still be looking for a successor to Mattis Peters.

Return from Jalalis does not take place

But the return of defender Karim Jalali was shattered. The 22-year-old, who has already proven his defensive skills in TSV and signed a professional contract with Al Hamriya FC (United Arab Emirates) during the 2018/2019 season, remained after contract expiration (July 2020) fit to train. With residents of Burgdorf. “It would have been a great addition to our defense.” Burgdorf coach Weber said: “The return failed due not least to the agent of the Djilali player who is looking for a first-class club.

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