Giro d’Italia women, Emma Jorgensen triumphs on the longest stage

Giro d’Italia women, Emma Jorgensen triumphs on the longest stage

Emma Cecily Jorgensen Everyone hits the finish line Colico. Corn Rivera e Marian Voss second and third, respectively. Van der Bregen More and more mistress in Maglia Rosa and new Marianne Vos Maglia Ciclamino. Tomorrow is another challenging stage, the last in Lombardy, on an undulating road from Soprazuco di Gavardo to Puegnago del Garda with a length of 109.6 km, in a loop repeated 5 times with a total of 5 GMPs.

Colico, July 7, 2021 – Emma Cecily Jorgensen (Women of the Film Team) wrote her name on the sixth part, the longest in the 2021 edition, 155 kilometers from Colico along a challenging and undulating road with Lake Como as the frame. The Movistar team rider, second yesterday, established herself in the sprint with compact ranks upon her arrival at Colico, defeating Coryn Rivera (TEAM DSM) and Marian Voss (JUMBO-VISMA WOMEN TEAM), respectively in the second and third steps of the podium. Marian Voss is the new Ciclamino shirt. The race finished in 3h41’39″ with a total average of 41.956 km/h.

To refer to the work of Athletes Day Elisa Longo Borghini (TREK – SEGAFREDO) and South Africa Ashley Mullman Basio (SD WORX Team). They are the two attackers of the sixth stage: they fled from the 63 km they were caught by the group 13 km from the end.

Stage winner announcement: “It could not be better. I thank the team that did a great job, it is the result of an excellent teamwork. I really like the Giro, and the goal in the next few days is to get another victory or at least another podium.”.

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Giro d’Italia Women Best of Stage Six

Race date – he is Lauren Stevens (TEAM TIBCO – SILICON VALLEY BANK) to achieve, after 48 km of the race, the first extension of the day which the group resumed at km 53. After 63 km, there are two athletes in the driving: Elisa Longo Borghini (TREK – SEGAFREDO) and South Africa Ashley Mullman Basio (SD WORX Team). Behind them follows the divided group. JUMBO-VISMA WOMEN TEAM, BIKEEXCHANGE TEAM and MOVISTAR TEAM are active in trying to close on two lines. Halfway through, the Runaways score a 37-inch advantage over the group that is back in agreement. A feature destined to increase which peaks when there is 50 kilometers to travel: 2’25”. To make the pace in the chasing group, the athletes from DSM TEAM, Team Lorena Webbs Who won yesterday’s stage in the race. When there is 20 kilometers to go, Elisa Longo Borghini’s advantage drops and South Africa’s Ashley Mullman Paseo resumes with 55 inches with 13 kilometers to take off. JUMBO-VISMA WOMEN TEAM and SD WORX set the group’s rhythm with impact in the final kilometer of the race by Elisa Longo Borghini (TREK – SEGAFREDO). But Emma Cecily Jorgensen (Women of the Film Team) is the best of the bunch.

white shirt Niamh Fisher Black (SDW – TEAM SD WORX) was able to rejoin the group after being punctured. A stage characterized by some falls in which some athletes participated: Bizquia – Durango, Emily Fortin withdraw. pulled out too Andrea Ramirez Fregoso (MONEX WOMEN’S PRO Cycling Team).

JERSEY PINK / ASG – esports group (individual general classification by time) Anna van der Breggen (SDW – TEAM SD WORX)

CYCLAMEN JERSEY / SMP SADDLES (Overall Single Points Ranking) Marianne Voss (Women’s Jumbo-Visma Team)




Tomorrow, Thursday July 8, the seventh stage of SOPRAZZOCCO DI GAVARDO to PUEGNAGO del GARDA starting at 12:15. This is the stage that concludes the Lombard route for the 2021 Giro d’Italia Women’s Race, a 110-kilometre challenge in the province of Brescia. It begins at an altitude of 272 meters in Soprazuco di Gavardo, in the western region of Lake Garda located between the Benaco and the Moroccan hills. After passing through Muscoline, the stage heads towards the Valtenesi region, also famous for its replica DOC wine production, and Lake Garda. At Polpenazze sul Garda, you enter a 5-lap loop touching Manerba del Garda and San Felice del Benaco, an area that still preserves the 4,000-year-old testimonies of the Palafitte Civilization, finally reaching the finish line in Puegnago del Garda at 219m.

Stage 6 can be watched today, Wednesday, July 7, on Rai Sport HD: 20.55 with the best stage in 50 minutes and Rai2: a ten minute summary of Tour Replay.

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