Genas. Azieu Floral Space is expanding its field of expertise

The business on Rue Lamartine also offers floral arrangements, metal and jewelry. From now on, the store bears the name “Espace Floral et Minéral”.

From our correspondent Mark Flajoli
Today at 7:31 pm

Lawrence Bernard had to retrain after being fired, after twenty-five years as a transport executive. Then I continued training in flower arranging for two years. In 2017, she opened her first business on the ground floor of her mother-in-law’s villa. Thus was born the floral space that presented compositions dedicated to all life events. A few “prosperous” years allowed it to build customer loyalty.

Because it has a social fabric and a sense of human connection, it is not limited to sales. “I provided introductory training in composing bouquets and presentations. I surveyed generosity companies and worked with some on group cohesion, within the practice of floral art.

Effects of the health crisis

This great dynamism has been overtaken by the Covid crisis and Lawrence has suffered a significant decline in activity. She was not discouraged, but rather embarked on a new activity that highlights the natural stones that she appreciates by installing them in necklaces, bracelets, pendants, or as decorative objects for the home. In addition to the beauty and variety of colors of its stones, Lawrence believes in its beneficial virtues.

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