Fury in Spain: Princesses get vaccinated early

Fury in Spain: Princesses get vaccinated early

Anger in Spain
Princesses are vaccinated early

Two sisters of the Spanish king have stirred discussions at home because they were vaccinated abroad. They visited their father, Juan Carlos, in exile in Abu Dhabi and took an offer there. Now they are defending their decision.

The two sisters of the Spanish King Philip VI. They were vaccinated against the Coronavirus prematurely in the Gulf emirate of Abu Dhabi – causing new damage to the already image of the royal family. The behavior of Infanta Elena and Christina has been heavily criticized by the media and also by many ministers of the left-wing government coalition, because neither of them had a role in Spain.

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s left-wing coalition partner strongly criticized the sisters’ lead. Gender Equality Minister Irene Monteiro, who Podemos’s party to which Podemos belongs openly supports the abolition of the monarchy, said your move has the effect of “preferential treatment” and continues to “discredit the monarchy.”

Even Economy Minister Nadia Calvino, who is considered somewhat conservative, stressed that “public reference persons” such as members of the royal family in particular must “respect protocols” in the pandemic. Labor Minister Yolanda Diaz described the children’s behavior as “disgusting” and noted that many members of the medical staff in Spain have not yet been vaccinated “and they still work for us every day.”

Sisters fend for themselves

The digital newspaper “El Confidencial” revealed that the women had been vaccinated in February when their father, King Juan Carlos, 83, visited them. The former head of state, besieged in Spain over allegations of corruption and judicial investigations, left his home country seven months ago and has since lived in exile in the desert principality.

Meanwhile, Elena confirmed the news in a letter to various media outlets. In it she justifies her behavior. She and her sister “accepted” the “offer” of vaccinations in Abu Dhabi in order to “obtain a health passport” that would allow them to visit Juan Carlos regularly.

The royal family did not want to comment on the request. El Mundo newspaper quoted a Casa Real spokesman as saying that Felipe was “not responsible” for his sisters’ behavior. The king, his wife Letizia, and their two daughters, Princess Leonor and Sophia, have not yet been vaccinated. According to the media, they want to wait for their age group to turn.

According to Spanish media reports, the former head of intelligence, Felix Sanz Roldan, was vaccinated during a visit to Juan Carlos in Abu Dhabi. In January, the Spanish chief of staff resigned after reports of being vaccinated early on.

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