funeral.  What Aquamation Technology Did Desmond Tutu Choose Instead of Cremation?

funeral. What Aquamation Technology Did Desmond Tutu Choose Instead of Cremation?

Faithful until the end of the morality of abstraction, Desmond Tutu requested that his body undergo a hydrotherapy. This process is an environmentally friendly alternative to cremation.

It is a posthumous wish clearly expressed during his award-winning life Nobel prize Hello, shown Standard. Desmond Tutu, whose funeral was held in Cape Town on January 1, had in fact chosen not to cremate, but to “heaps”.

In light of this talk, the hangover treatment method, hydration, hides. Also known as “alkaline hydrolysis,” and the South African daily details, aquamation is a water-based cremation process.

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the BBC Africa Details of this technique, which consists in heating the residue to 150 ° C in a mixture of potassium hydroxide and water for a maximum of ninety minutes. This process dissolves body tissues, leaving only bone to replace. These materials are in turn ground into a coarse powder using a machine called incinerators.

The hydrolysis cremation technology is more environmentally friendly than conventional cremation because it uses less fossil fuels. Thus, the aqueous precipitation process results in fewer emissions into the atmosphere of various polluting gases. according to BBC AfricaThe process reduces the amount of carbon dioxide harmful to the environment by up to 90%. That is why this technique has gained popularity in recent years as an environmentally friendly alternative to burial or

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