Frenchman Gama spreads his solar sail in space

Frenchman Gama spreads his solar sail in space

Gamma Corporation intends to revolutionize long-distance teleportation with the deployment of its solar sail.

The Gamma Solar Sail is similar to “a giant life blanket of about 75 square meters that we spread out into space to propel our payloads,” explains on Tech & Co Louis de Goüyon Matignon, co-founder of Gama.

With this project, Gama wants to revolutionize long-distance teleportation with its solar sail. This product, which is no more than 50 times thicker than a hair’s hair, “will reflect light like a mirror.” By bouncing back, the light imparts acceleration to the entire space object. “This acceleration, we use it to move our scientific instruments,” says the co-founder.

With this project, Gamma is reinventing space propulsion because, at this very moment, there is a revolution in the field of nanosatellites. The solar sail is not intended to target, not low orbit, but to Mars and Venus, or even to the “outer solar system,” as Louis de Guyon-Matignon enthuses.

The sail spread out in the spring

Tuesday, January 3 saw the launch of the first Gamma satellite into space with SpaceX. It is deployed at an altitude of 530 kilometers. “We have received the first communications with the satellite, which is traveling at the moment at a speed of 28.00 km/h.” The solar sail will be deployed in the spring. “This mission also allows us to reassure our investors.”

Gamma is proficient in light propulsion, but above all propagation of supersurfaces in space “and today this is a feature that is rarely found in certain societies.” We can imagine many things with a solar sail such as telecommunications, antennas, and orbit descent.

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The company, created in 2020, employs about twenty people in the Paris region. For now, the solar sail will remain in a low orbit because it is difficult to leave due to the remaining atmosphere. The next mission will take place in 2025 to fly higher and eventually aim for Venus or Mars.

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