Frank Masello without the language of wood in the new rule for the red card

Frank Masello without the language of wood in the new rule for the red card

This summer, SANZAAR leaders decided to conduct a trial of Four-Nations which will begin this weekend.

Indeed, during this competition, the team approved with a red card will develop in numerical inferiority for 20 minutes.

Another player can then substitute the excluded player and so the sanctioned team will find themselves again at age 15 on the field.

When asked about this via Midi Olympique, the national director of French arbitration, Franck Maciello did not make a fuss.

First, he explains this rule. Extract:

To summarize, once a team is penalized with a red card, the offending player is permanently disqualified. But after a 20-minute delay, the team can practice substituting the kicked player. »

He explained that this rule concerns all defects, even the most serious. Extract:

This application of the rules pertains to any red card, no matter what kind of foul it is. Southerners operate on the principle that red cards can have a huge impact on the outcome of a match and that teams should be allowed to play 15 to 15 at any cost. It is clearly the player who is being penalized, not the team. »

In the process, Frank Masilo admits that he’s not really in favor of this change. Explains himself. Extract:

“Once we put player safety at the center of our concerns, as World Rugby recommends, I find it hard to see how we can justify caring about being able to replace an excluded player because a red card loses its effect. That’s why I feel uncomfortable with this rule, even if I don’t claim to have the truth.” »

He also noted that the Northern Hemisphere does not explicitly support this change. Extract:

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Obviously, the Northern Hemisphere does not support it. I suppose that by maintaining this experience in the rugby tournament, they are trying to convince everyone of the merits of this reform, especially since the New Zealanders did not fail to denounce the red card that may have cost Ireland a win, during the second test. There is a lot of pressure the South is currently putting on World Rugby on this subject. »

But according to him, this new rule should not be adopted for the 2023 World Cup. Excerpt:

“One year after the World Cup, this was surprising me. I don’t think this rule can come into effect as early as 2023.


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