France “condemns” the Algerian government’s threats to its ambassador

France “condemns” the Algerian government’s threats to its ambassador

Anti-French banner during the Hirak demonstration in Algiers, April 9, 2021.

France, on Monday (April 12th), denounced the Algerian government’s criticism and threats to its ambassador, which, according to it, do not reflect “Quality” Bilateral relations.

Interview by an online newspaper Arab Post On the fact that the French ambassador to Algeria, Francois Goyette, has repeatedly met with the leaders of political parties, Minister of Communication and spokesman for the Algerian government Ammar Belhimer called on the diplomat to abstain from voting to meet the opponents for the democratic transition, and for two years the popular protest movement called Mobility.

“I think that the Ambassador of France will not miss these precious opportunities thanks to his great experience and knowledge of the limits and rules of diplomatic practice, especially in Algeria, Who will not hesitate, if necessary, to take the necessary measures to redress the situation. “Mr. Belhimer warned, according to the Arabic-speaking website. Mr. Belhimer, a 65-year-old former journalist who graduated in law from a French university, is familiar with critical statements against France.

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“We regret these various statements that do not reflect the quality of our bilateral relations nor the dynamics of strengthening them, and which are supported by the authorities of our two countries at the highest levels.”A French Foreign Ministry spokesman responded. However, it did not say whether the ministry has formally protested to the Algerian authorities.

The statements of the government spokesman came after the visit of French Prime Minister Jean Castex, scheduled for last Sunday in Algiers, was postponed, after the Algerian authorities considered that the form of the French delegation was too small for the challenges of this visit.

LRM Committee in Western Sahara

In this context, the new Algerian ambassador to France, Mohamed Antar Daoud, presented his credentials to President Emmanuel Macron, on Monday, in an atmosphere that both sides described as positive. “We must calm all this down.”On Sunday, the French Minister of State for European Affairs, Clément Bonn, had already insisted, after an Algerian minister had rehabilitated France, the former colonial power,‘Eternal enemy’.

The opening of a commission for the presidential party La République en Marche (LRM) in Dakhla, Western Sahara, has raised questions in Algeria, which supports Sahrawi separatists from the Polisario Front in this largely Moroccan-controlled region. In response to a question on this point, the French Foreign Ministry contacted. “France supports the efforts of the United Nations Secretary-General to find a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution, in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolutions.”His spokesman mentioned.

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For its part, LRM has suggested that it will not reverse this decision which, according to it, is an issue “The language of the initiative”. “The local committee for Dakhla was established on the initiative of a local French resident of this city.”It was indicated at the party headquarters in Paris: National authorities have not been consulted and this is in no way an indication or political message. “

“No change to my knowledge.”One of the signatories confirmed the press release about the origin of this creativity, Jawad Boscoran, stating that the committee was formed after a vote “unanimous” From the LRM Politburo in the Maghreb and West Africa, with ” Of course “ Authentication of the LRM Politburo in Paris.

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