for your bank.  Opening of Espace France

for your bank. Opening of Espace France

Thursday, December 16 at 5 p.m. Maison France service opened, in the presence of Nicolas Rainey, Secretary General of the State of Lot, Nelly Genest, Vice President of the District Council of JC Sauvier and President of CCPLL and elected officials from the commune community.

The House of Services for the Public (MSAP) became “Espace France Services”. It has agreements with 9 operators: State (Defender of Rights, Prefecture, Public Treasury, etc.), CNAF, Pôle Emploi, UDAF, Banque de France, ADIL 46, Local Mission, CPAM, CARSAT, MSA, GRDF / ERDF, La Poste. This broad partnership makes it possible to support users in all their administrative procedures.

“Therefore, we invite you to welcome and listen to you to understand your needs in many areas: health, retirement, family, housing, employment, housing, access to rights, entertainment … We suggest that you guide if necessary: ​​identify the relevant department and the right person to contact and facilitate identification An appointment with the concerned public administration. There is support in administrative procedures: assistance in filling out a file or form, creating an e-mail address or online digital space for a department, declaring or updating your position, following up on your file or submitting an application to a department. Espace France Services also provides a computer with internet connection to enable you to independently carry out digital procedures and offers the possibility to organize administrative meetings by videoconferencing (on request). Finally, a fixed time and according to needs can be organized with local partners: Maison Départementale des Familles, Quercy Contact, Maison des Ados, etc.

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The Espace France service is open to the public from Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 to 5 pm; Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 to 3 pm. The Community House is located at 38 place de la Bascule in Lalbenque. Phone: 05 65 24 22 55 Email: [email protected]

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