Football.  Tony Ensor opens up the field of possibilities

Football. Tony Ensor opens up the field of possibilities

Established for the second time as opener this season and since arriving in France, Tony Ensor has once again reassured his people. First highlight its adaptability. Retraining is not necessarily expected for the New Zealander who considered the hypothesis two or three years ago. “It’s not the first time I’ve played in this position, I was 10 years old in New Zealand in the youth category, but it’s the second time I’ve played in this position in France,” explains Oyonnaxian.

The transformation he would like to see is ephemeral, the latter logically hoping for a speedy recovery for Jules Solan and Justin Burrow. The timer that satisfies the atmosphere of the slave is not without increasing the mental burden on the rear.

“At Aurillac it was a bit difficult to make decisions under pressure. It was easier tonight, calmer in my head. I would also like to improve my decision-making under pressure from now on. Hence, playing backwards also gives me the impression that I have more freedom.

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