Final Fantasy 14 ascended thanks to World of Warcraft, by Naoki Yoshida –

Final Fantasy 14 ascended thanks to World of Warcraft, by Naoki Yoshida –

As most players know, Final Fantasy 14 It was a disaster at the time of its release. Square Enix even had to publicly apologize for the state of the game and decided to recreate the work from scratch, entrusting the project with Naoki Yoshida. The director gave birth to the critically acclaimed movie A Realm Reborn. Now, Yoshida explains that all of this was possible thanks to world of cans.

Yoshida said in an interview with PCGamesN, “If there hadn’t been a world of cans – whom we consider a great “teacher” and deeply respect – the brilliant rehab of Final Fantasy 14 was not possible. The original FFXIV was an unprecedented failure and I was given the duty to save the project. When you control a failed project and have to raise it, I don’t think you have a way to create the kind of game you want to create in your head. But I was playing World of Warcraft and used this game as a subject for study.”

Final Fantasy 14
Final Fantasy 14

He went on to explain, “I explained what I learned to the different teams and we all used that knowledge in development. We didn’t have the luxury of putting in what we liked or didn’t like. What I really wanted from the game to make it more MMORPG based. Date. From this point of view, Final Fantasy 11 has been a huge influence, but given that it’s a game from the Final Fantasy saga, strong storytelling was of course a must. This decision was not about my personal taste, it was about the fact that it was a Final Fantasy game.”

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So it seems World of Warcraft was indirectly the savior of Final Fantasy 14 A Real Reborn. always talking aboutMMORPG By Square Enix, we would like to point out that some musicians have praised the return of Masayoshi Soken.

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