festival.  Archeology meetings in Narbonnaise discover a fascinating world

festival. Archeology meetings in Narbonnaise discover a fascinating world

It’s a great system but it’s rarely highlighted. For the 11th edition, from October 31 to November 5 in Narbonne, the RAN is preparing to dust off archeology to reveal all its facets… In the program of this unique festival: performances, round tables, exhibitions, activities and also a book and comics exhibition. [Partenariat]

What are the latest discoveries? How do artists draw inspiration from archeology to create interesting stories and works? Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of science through a thousand and one stories at the Narbonnaise Archaeological Meetings!

You don’t need to dig long to realize how much our society has been affected by archaeological discoveries. In all fields, whether cinema, literature, comics or even video games, archeology has been, and continues to be, a source of inspiration for our artists.

Archeology makes it possible to bring real items, objects or settings into comics, for example. Conversely, comics bring historical discoveries to life through stories that are close to reality or completely invented.

Narbonnaise Archeology Meetings

Science at the service of art and art at the service of science… This is part of the leitmotif of this original festival that is keen to highlight sober archaeology.

That’s what Archeo Pop Day. Organized in Narbo Via Museum, Thursday 2 November.

About the topic “Archaeology through comics and video games”, several round tables will follow one another throughout the afternoon with several speakers. Among them:

  • “Middle Ages in Asian Video Games: The Legend of Zelda and Genshin Impact” With Victoria Authier and Héloïse Lamauri
  • “Creating the world in Assassin’s Creed Mirage” With the Humanities and Inspiration team at Ubisoft
  • or “The archaeologist in video games” With Jennifer Kerner, archaeologist and author; Jessica Soler-Bignone, lecturer at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, specialist in video games and sexuality, and Esther López Montalvo, archaeologist, archaeological laboratory.
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Each year, the Rencontres d’Archéologie de la Narbonnaise puts a selection of archaeology-related films, books and comic strips into competition, then concludes the event with an awards ceremony.

this year, “Dragon Knight: The Novel That Disappeared from the Round Table”The film, directed by Marie Thierry and co-written by Emanuele Arioli, has been selected to open the festival. This movie will be previewed Tuesday, October 31, at 8pm at the Théâtre + Cinéma de Narbonne.

This story, which originates from the world of King Arthur, has also been made into a children’s comic book with “Cevar, Dragon Knight” written by Emanuele Arioli and drawn by Emiliano Tanzillo (Éditions Dargaud). Try to win one of the final storyboards of the 2023 contest by playing on Instagram!

Also listen to the seminar “The Dragon Knight: The Forgotten Knight of the Round Table” with Emanuele Arioli, Saturday 4 November at 3 pm in the Bishops’ Palace-Museum – Synod Hall.

RANs are also an opportunity to discuss the latest technological developments that aid in discovery. The festival will welcome about ten experts as well as several speakers who you will be able to meet during several meetings throughout the week.

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Among the topics covered, it is impossible to miss artificial intelligence and the challenges it poses to archaeologists…

In short, these Narbonnaise Archeology Meetings The year 2023 offers you a rich and tempting program with some wonderful surprises in store for you during the Halloween holidays!

France 3 Occitanie is a partner of RAN 2023.

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