Facebook (the company) may change its name soon

Facebook (the company) may change its name soon

A new era with a new name for Facebook? according to Specialized site The Verge, California Corporation, which crosses turbulence periodNext week, it should announce the creation of a new parent company that will oversee its various services (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, etc.).

Target ? Look to the future, in particular the “Multiverse”, that interconnected universe that mixes virtual and augmented reality, which Mark Zuckerberg considers the future of the web. But its critics argue that walking away from a name that has become toxic after repeated controversy is not a sleight of hand.

According to The Verge, the new name is expected to be revealed at the Connect conference on Thursday, October 28. He is jealously guarded within the administration and will be spiritually connected to and with the multiverse horizonThe virtual social platform developed by Facebook.

Facebook will not be the first to do so. In 2015, Google created the Alphabet architecture (on which Google, Waymo, Deepmind, Verily, etc. are based). But the name never spread with the general public. Snapchat also renamed itself Snap in 2016.

” change the subject “

“Facebook believes that changing its name can help it change the subject,” the anti-Facebook association, which ironically calls itself the “Real Facebook Oversight Board,” said in a statement. “It is a sign that they are willing to do anything to divert attention from their failure to clean up their hate-filled platforms. Whatever they call themselves, the problem remains, (…) they need real, independent regulation right away,” the association continues.

“If you give a new name to a product that doesn’t work anymore, people will quickly understand that the new brand has the same issues,” tweeted Benedict Evans, an independent analyst specializing in Silicon Valley. “The best approach is to solve the problem, and then create a new brand that reflects the new product,” he continued.

The company that lasts Scandals for years, has a particularly difficult pass since France Hogan, Former whistleblower employeeHe leaked internal press documents and accused the platform of passing through “Profits Before Security” of its users. Elected Republicans and Democrats rarely seem to approve of trying to regulate the company. Changing the name will not change that.

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