Extreme Math Challenge: What’s the missing number in this series? Awaken the sleeping genius in you!

Mathematical puzzles and logical tests are highly appreciated for their certainly entertaining and motivating side, and have become very popular on social networks. By testing our sense of observation, reason and creativity, these puzzles allow us to test our skills, but also to learn more about the way we think and make decisions.

Besides, it is also a great way for us to develop our skills and cognitive abilities.

Today’s challenge is considered by many to be one of the most difficult puzzles in existence. Only 1% of the participants managed to solve it by finding the required number in less than 30 seconds.

Have you always considered yourself an intelligent person with a good sense of logic? With this quiz you will have the opportunity to prove it by discovering the missing number.

Math Challenge and IQ Test

In the next image, you will see the hexagon. 9 numbers arranged in different geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle and others), inserted into it. The challenge is to find the missing number that will replace the question mark, and that, within 30 seconds max.

The puzzle may seem simple at first. However, by observing the series of numbers, you will see that it is indeed a puzzle and not a simple arithmetic game.

To find the solution, you will have to focus well using logic and common sense in your analysis of the situation. For the participants who pass the test, the best approach is to carefully examine the items and try to find a relationship between them. So, are you ready to take on the challenge?

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Did you manage to find the missing number?

The required number is 13. If you also found this answer, then you have taken the right logical approach which clearly led you to the solution. Didn’t find the right number and would like an explanation of how to solve the numbers puzzle?

Since this is a mathematical challenge, the solution must result from logical reasoning. The logic of arithmetic here consists of establishing a relationship between numbers and the geometric shapes they contain.

Adding each number to the number of sides of the figure it contains, you get a string of 9 odd numbers (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19). Based on that logic and doing the math, you’ll find out pretty quickly The missing number is 13 (to any So you have to add 4 to get the number 17).

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