Conference on Philosophy: Experience the Espace Technology André Chedid, October 22, 2021, Issy-les-Moulineaux.

Philosophy Conference: Experience Technology
Espace André Chedid, Friday 22 October at 7:30 pm
Written by Pierre-Antoine Chardel, philosopher and sociologist, professor and director of LASCO IdeaLab at IMT-BS, researcher at IIAC (CNRS/EHESS) in partnership with CNRS. Our way of being in the world has become inseparable from the experience of technology which interferes, particularly with digital technology, in our perception of time, space and other, but also in the construction of our identities. The task of philosophy, in relation to this total experience which is technical, is to determine the questions which the latter poses to us from an ontological point of view. Technologies and technologies question us about who we are and what we will become. The philosophical challenge seems even more pressing at a time when the acceleration of innovation has rarely been so evident in human history.
Entry is free by reservation
A philosophical conference within the framework of the experience cycle

Espace Andrée Chedid 60 rue Général Leclerc, 92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux Issy-les-Moulineaux Hauts-de-Seine

Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – hour):
2021-10-22T19:30:00 2021-10-22T21:00:00