Evil Dead 4 Rise comes without Ash Williams

Evil Dead 4 Rise comes without Ash Williams


There is news on Evil Dead (4) Rise! Once again, Bruce Campbell and director Sam Remy became a part of the gig.

Evil Dead 4: Work will soon be on the next branch of the popular “Tanz der Teufel” series. This was mentioned by the lead actor for the first three films and the Ash vs. The Evil Dead in an interview. You will now discover what he has revealed, too.

Bruce Campbell

Evil Dead Rise has dates and a shooting site: with a catch

We know this: Bruce Campbell, who plays protagonist Ash Williams in each of his three predecessors – the 2013 reboot was left out – has revealed some new information about the upcoming fourth installment of Dance of the Devils.

Accordingly, Evil Dead Rise plays after the series Ash versus the Evil Dead He must do without Ash the enraged Demon Slayer who knocks on spells. The reason for this will not be revealed at this time.

However, we also know that Campbell will co-produce with director Sam Remy (Evil Dead 1 – 3). Lee Cronin, who has directed movies like “Hole in The Ground,” is going to take the ultimate trend.

Campbell Bruce Remy of the Evil Dead Rise

Here is the plot: Who is Evil Dead Rise to follow when he and his gang take out Ashi? Thanks to Campbell, we know the movie will land a brand new female lead for the first time. However, we do not know your name or background.

In addition, the event no longer takes place in a hut in the woods or during the Dark Crusades, but in a large city. This will be filmed in New Zealand early in 2020, and it remains to be seen if the event will take place here as well.

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If you can’t get enough of Evil Dead after watching the series and movies, why not check out the game about the series!

Dead Evil 20202 game

My hope: Me, who saw daylight in the new ’90s, was still a huge fan of the Evil Dead franchise. Imagining a movie completely without Ash would be difficult, but the people behind the camera open my heart.

I still hope that Ash emerges, at least thanks to the cameo, or somehow establish himself as a supportive character. As long as the humor is true, the movie could never disappoint me.

But how do you see it, are you looking forward to Evil Dead Rise and what are your expectations? Leave us a comment or join our large community The social networking site Facebook at.

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