Espace & Vie Senior Service Residences in Libourne and Langueux with the Viseha . sign

the group space and life We are pleased to announce the marking, at the end of December 2021, of two new senior service residences: Libourne headquarters (Gironde) and Langueux (Côtes d’Armor).

Vie Seniors & Habitat VISEHA, the first quality brand for senior serviced residences, was established by SYNERPA RSS and SNRA in June 2018. The two professional unions that bring together the majority of operators in this sector have established VISEHA, with the help of Dr’Afnor . Certificate.

Recognition of the residents of Libourne and Lango

The Viseha brand responds to three challenges:

  • Readability issue: Allowing the common people to find their way between different classes
    of the dwellings
  • quality problem: Ensure that serviced seniors housing offers a common base
    In terms of real estate and services
  • Growth Challenge. Provides a recognized standard by which the sector can
    to structure

Receiving this quality mark is an acknowledgment of our model for seniors housing. In fact, space and life He is a player committed to the quality and satisfaction of the population. Every day, men and womenspace and life Accompany residents and establish contact with those around them. This highly humane approach to support the elderly attests to a holistic view of the issues of housing the elderly, their physical and moral well-being, while providing them with a safe environment and quality services. Espace & Vie’s mission is to welcome seniors who need to find the serenity of everyday life, by allowing them to live freely and surrounded, in a living environment that listens to their needs. This commitment includes in particular the real knowledge of the teams in terms of support to ensure quality of service while respecting the privacy of residents.

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« The VISEHA brand is the culmination of teamwork by teams from Espace & Vie Headquarters and field specialists from Libourne Headquarters, Welcome to Geraldine Howell Bailey, Director of Espace & Vie Libourne. Obtaining this label, two years after the house opened, attests to the quality of the living environment we provide and the commitment to supporting residents. More than just a souvenir, it is a guide that will allow us to continue working every day for the well-being of the residents and the development of employees. Happy birthday Liburn! »

Sylvie Gerek, Langueux Residence Manager: “cThe Viseha certification he has received is very good news and underscores our commitment to quality to our residents, employees and partners. Thank you and congratulations to the entire Langueux Accommodation team! “

What is a VISEHA label?

The main mission of the VISEHA quality label is to enable the general public to find their way between the different categories of housing for seniors. It also ensures that serviced residences offer a common base in terms of real estate and services. The VISEHA quality mark is specifically based on 13 criteria: 6 real estate standards and 7 services.

Thus, the six real estate criteria of the VISEHA label include the minimum number of individual housing units, the average minimum space per housing unit, the balanced distribution of housing types, the minimum area of ​​common space, and finally the proper proportion between the area of ​​the condominiums, the common spaces and all dwellings individual. The Viseha brand also guarantees a minimal configuration of common spaces (reception, lounge, restaurant with communal kitchen and recreation room).

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In addition, there are 7 service standards which are the number of activities or entertainment offered per week, access to a laundry service for flat and personal linens, housekeeping, catering in the dining room and home, and the minimum number of FTE (full-time equivalent) and its percentage for each resident , 24/7 presence, and finally reception available at least 6 days a week with minimum 7 hours of presence per day.

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