Espace & Vie Group and real estate developer Lamotte have partnered with start-up Tom & Josette

Espace & Vie Group and real estate developer Lamotte have partnered with start-up Tom & Josette

On May 25, 2022, the group Espace & Vie (manager of VIP assisted living facilities) and Lamotte (real estate developer) signed a partnership with start-up Tom & Josette to develop intergenerational exchanges. The new Tom & Josette baby nursery will open at the beginning of June and will be attached to the Espace & Vie Brest Recouvrance. Meetings on initiatives that will benefit young children and residents alike.

Intergenerational small nurseries: an innovative way to reconnect generations

Wednesday 1Verse June 2022 Tom and Josette intergenerational nursery will open in the Recouvrance district, in Brest, in a building of 120 sq.m. next to the Espace & Vie residence of higher services. This proximity will allow residents and children to spend time together on a regular basis, in small groups, in one structure or another. After Rennes, Albee, Montousin, Tom and Josette, the first network of intergenerational small nurseries will open its fourth structure, Espace & Vie Brest Recouvrance.

Twelve children, aged between 2.5 months and 3 years, will be welcomed under the supervision of early childhood professionals, in safe spaces. Inspired by Montessori, the structure aims to make children as independent as possible. The opening of these small nurseries responds to a double mission: to age better and grow better. In fact, children and residents will be able to meet several times a week to experience simple and ritual activities together: storytelling, gardening, creative activities, shared snacks…” We are convinced that rebuilding the bond between generations is essential to avoid any isolation and to help youngsters grow up healthy, smart and playful. Thanks to our nurseries, we want to build connections between all generations, to provide a fulfilling learning environment for the little ones! », Pauline Pfeiffer and Astrid Parmentier, founders of Tom and Josette.

Espace & Vie Residences: Promoting Living Together

Since its inception in 2006, the Espace & Vie Group has always placed intergenerational social bonds at the heart of its support project for the elderly. On a daily basis, Senior Residences offer residents activities that promote encounters and engagement. Many of them also launched intergenerational initiatives to revitalize the social life of the residents. These meetings are always eagerly awaited by the elderly, but also by children. These shared times are an opportunity to exchange in joy and humor.

At Espace & Vie Brest Recouvrance, solidarity between young and old is part of our DNA. Thus the opening of Tom & Josette’s little nursery and the signing of this partnership agreement mark another step in the history of the residence. The Director of Residence for 8 years, Thierry Revole, along with his team, regularly organizes collaborative spaces by inviting children from nearby schools or extracurricular centers to come and share joyful moments.

For the young ones, these projects take the form of meetings around recreational or educational activities such as reading, craft activities, singing… For the elderly, the presence of young children helps provide joy as the company of youngsters comes to lighten their daily lives.

Lamotte: Yes to community and cross-generational initiatives!

Sustainable building also means making connections in areas possible and promoting exchanges between residents. In this context, LAMOTTE is proud to sign the partnership with the Espace & Vie group and the network of small nurseries Tom & Josette.

At LAMOTTE, we encourage the emergence of community initiatives and the multiplication of solidarity interactions that develop lasting bonds between all populations. Opening the doors of Tom & Josette’s Espace & Vie Brest Recouvrance and installing a small nursery on the ground floor means creating social bonds between generations in favor of aging well and growing well.

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Lamotte Group is pleased to welcome the first nursery of Tom & Josette, a collaboration that will soon invite others into our Senior Service Residences. In the future, we will surely find new themes in the partnership related to generations. » Jean-Maurice Lamm, Director of the Managed Housing Division at Lamotte.

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