Espace Avel Vor in Plougastel-Daoulas launches its first beer – Plougastel-Daoulas

Espace Avel Vor in Plougastel-Daoulas launches its first beer – Plougastel-Daoulas

It is above all a local story. For the 2021 Music Festival, the Espace Avel Vor team organized things in the form of impromptu events at various places in the city. Among them is the Merlin Brasserie, rue Van Gogh, which hosted a group of poets from Asteria for the occasion. It was there that Emmanuel Richard, director of the performance hall, met John Merlin, a brewer.

The collaboration between the two institutions is now taking on a new form since the idea of ​​creating a special edition beer in the colors of Espace Avel Vor arose. Emmanuel Richard explains: “Making beer is not a revolutionary idea, but it is in keeping with the times.” The idea is to really get involved in a local approach. The brewery, a stone’s throw from Avel Vor, couldn’t be better.”

Local apple juice in anticipation

It would be “the classic beer to please the most,” explains John, which John made a few days ago with the help of the boys in the room. Bottled blonde, holding a poster with the image of Espace Avel Vor, which will be found at the end of the year during events organized in the latter but also with beer distributors, so you can taste it at the bottom of the fir. The public who are neither consumers nor lovers of fermented hops will not be left out because in the same process of local production, Emmanuel Richard approached the Association Avalou Atao (Pommes de toujours) in order to produce apple juice on the same principle.

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