“Emmanuel Macron today in another time”

“Emmanuel Macron today in another time”

In the form, was Emmanuel Macron convincing?

He wanted to be less lofty, but he stayed away. He had a tone that could sound less disdainful, especially when he was trying to make it clear that he understood the anger and resentment.

But there is still this strange sense that the head of state exists today in another space-time, far from the current social and political context. He looked like a candidate, even though he had been president of the republic for six years.

Set a timeline: “100 days to please.” Is this reference to the history of Napoleon well found?

The historical fact of the Hundred Days is Waterloo and then Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated the throne. Curiously, no communication from his team brought this point to his attention. If this sign is almost anecdotal about its merits, it still characterizes a form of lack of preparation.

Basically, do you see anything new in Emmanuel Macron’s speech?

There is nothing new. We remain at the level of generalities that do not allow us to know where he wishes to go. He did at the same time: By evoking the topic of immigration, he speaks to the right. When he develops his plans for action, he winks left.

You get the feeling that he’s trying to buy time, because he doesn’t have an immediate solution available to him. All the options presented to him have a political cost that he cannot implement. In the coming weeks, he will have to make political and parliamentary navigation to stay afloat. The president did not succeed in absorbing the crisis and, after this speech, faces the risk of reviving the social movement in an unpredictable way today.

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To break the impasse, at the parliamentary level, are deputies the only solution today?

We risk watching a parliamentary equation intensify in the National Assembly. I don’t see how the president can expand his majority. It’s hard to imagine LRs continuing to sympathize with him, given the state of public opinion. They have no interest in communicating with him. Even for the most benevolent LR MP, it seems hard to accept in such a context to present himself as Emmanuel Macron’s crutch.

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