eFootball targeted for criticism: Konami responds to fans

eFootball targeted for criticism: Konami responds to fans

Konami’s strategy to make eFootball (mostly known as PES) free to play is often discussed

electronic football
Konami responds to many criticisms regarding eFootball (Twitter screenshot)

over a week ago now, Konami It announced a real revolution for its groundbreaking title: We’re Talking About It PESor better electronic football. The new chapter of the video game saga will be free to play digitally only Not a few fan discussions.

several Confusion, related above all to the lack of transparency on what content will be available at launch in terms of Modes, teams and options. The fear of players is that some kind of compelling demo will be released, with all game options purchased separately. on twitter, Konami I decided to answer different questions Con United Nations Q&APromising more news during the month of August.

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eFootball, Konami responds to criticism and promises news

pes 2021
The initial game will be a kind of demo, as confirmed by the Japanese software company (screenshot on YouTube)

There is an aura of mystery surrounding what will be the first official chapter of electronic football, a new version of the historian PES. Konami has decided to respond to fans on Twitter about some of the concerns that emerged from the announcement. The Japanese home hinted for the first time that free game can be considered an offer. There will be quite a few teams and mods, precisely because the idea of ​​the Japanese House is to quickly distribute the title, and then update it occasionally With a roadmap already confirmed.

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At least in the beginning, there will be playability Play online and against the cpu. Nothing you do for Master League Instead, which will see the light of day in the coming weeks. Then there was talk of a file Edit mode Available for users on PC, PS5 and PS4, with filters Cross platform matchmaking il. Finally, the graphic question, with confirmation by the software house that the next generation and PC versions They will not be demoted.

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