Donald Trump: Abyss of Valentine’s Day Marriage?  Melania Trump’s festive tweet sounds deep

Donald Trump: Abyss of Valentine’s Day Marriage? Melania Trump’s festive tweet sounds deep

Valentine’s Day tweet from the former first lady? good idea. But greetings from Melania Trump seem deep.

Munich – Valentine’s Day – This is not only a big struggle day for the United States in terms of shopping, but also politically. “Happy Valentine’s Day to the three who never fail to make me smile,” wrote Barack Obama in a tweet and posted a family photo: he, his wife, and his two daughters. His wife, Michelle Obama, tweeted, “Life is always bright when I’m next to you.”

It looked likewise the current president and first lady. Joe Biden wrote, “The love of my life and the life of my love. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jelly.” However, Jill Biden did not tweet February 14th. But no one thinks about the fact that the spouses’ marriage is collapsing. Maybe also because she decorated the lawn in front of the White House with huge hearts. She had words like strength, family, courtesy, peace and health.

Melania Trump does not tweet about Donald on Valentine’s Day

It was very different with the trump cards: Melania Trump He wrote a tweet on Valentine’s Day. your husband Donald Trump He did not mention it not a word. Instead, she shared old photos of visits to a children’s hospital and wrote, “On this Valentine’s Day I think of the brave and inspiring children at The Children’s Inn, as I’ve visited them over the years. I send them love and strength, today and every day.”

This was noted, of course. American journalist and photographer Gregory Anderson shared the tweet with the caption: “Melania Trump has tweeted some pictures of herself on Valentine’s Day without her husband, Donald Trump.” Such a tweet, of course, causes irony: “In all fairness, if Donald Trump still had an account on Twitter, he wouldn’t mention Melania Trump on Valentine’s Day,” one user wrote.

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Valentine’s Day Tweet from Melania Trump: “How is Donald? Are you still talking to him?”

Another user wanted to know more about previous president He inquired: How is Donald? Are you still talking to him? Another user mocked the prominent tweet, the politically inactive former first lady: “Do you remember this time when I did something good? “

Of course, Melania Trump’s husband Donald hasn’t tweeted anything for Valentine’s Day. His account is still blocked. But even away from social networks, maybe Valentine’s Day with the Trump family wasn’t so romantic. According to CBS12 News, former President W. Reality TV Star Him on February 14 alone at the golf club in West Palm Beach – with his male friends. The couple hasn’t watched together since January 20. Is the question of the Twitter user who asked about Donald Trump justified? Are the spouses still talking to each other? One commentator even explained: “Let’s see, how long will this marriage last?”

at recent days Melania Trump opens a new office. What she or her “Office of Melania” will do in the future remains unclear. (ma)

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